
This is very much a thing! I feel like I am going crazy as if nobody else notices this.

I might sound like an old grumpy person (which granted there might be some truth too) - it wasn't always like this. It seems like being mindfull of others in many aspects of life has slowly corroded. I see it so many places.

When I was a kid my mom would tell me not to do stuff - even if nobody was around - just in case someone might come along.
Todays parents don't give a shit if they take up the entire sidewalk and their kids might drive their push bike RIGHT into me or something.

I think people both don't care of others and simultaniously is petrified of others.

EDIT: Just to clarify I don't think this is a parents-only thing... but more of a generational thing. Mindfullness is on the way out and it comes from proper upbringing.

Helt enig.

Hvad med at vi prøvede det af og hvis det stak helt af, så lukkede vi for det igen? Det må forhelvede være muligt?

Det værste resultat er vel at vi i sidste ende har brugt lidt for mange penge på at hjælpe lidt for mange ulykkelige sjæle.

It's from a danish cooking show called "Nak og Æd" which is about hunting and cooking different animals. Sometimes a little atypical - like seaguls and such.

The dialogue right here translates into:

Guy 1: It's a little close to that highway? (some inaudible about walking a little further away)

Guy 2: When it's this "guy" it's fine - They will fly that way Rene (gesturing direction with his arms)

If you were to read bæir, with danish tones for "æ" it would actually sound more like beer.

At least how you would say "hold my beer"

Why not just get a bag? My daughter lies in a City Elite while I just carry my bag.

This also fits a lift if its a baby.

But... we said something about cloud? Gotta be excited about that?!

God pointe, det gjorde jeg også.

Min situation for 6-7 måneder siden kunne ikke beskrives meget mere nøjagtig. Jeg endte med at købe sådan en her. med tilvalg af Vision X2 silent kabinet, som du selv siger betyder en glasrude intet, men lyddæmpning derimod!

Er rigtig glad for mit valg... ville bare ønske maskiner af samme performance kunne fås mindre og lydsvage.

In both ways you are paying every year? Either taxes or insurance.

When you pay insurance you pay for something you hope you don't need... and the important thing here is, only you! If you instead payed taxes you would also pay for something you hopefully wont need but is ready available. However now EVERYONE can.

How is that not better?

:Panthers: Panthers

So we should get all fuzzy warm about all new rules changes once they are enforced?

eg. First XP with new rules, first FG with new goal posts...


After enduring the eternal wait, I retrieved the phone and took the picture.

Det er fjollet Københavns kommune ikke får lov til at gennemkøre et forsøg med legalisering. De har ansøgt flere gange. Især når man ser på hvordan det fungerer i dag.

Synes da man som minimum kan acceptere en forsøgsperiode og lære af de erfaringer man får heraf.

I stedet accepterer man u-skrevent staden som en slags stor hollandsk coffee-shop?