It doesn't matter if people who were always going to and will always vote (D) in the election still support Biden. We don't matter.

Voters who are on the fence in swings states matter.

You're acting like I haven't and won't support Biden. I have and I will. I'm not who we should be worried about.

I'm voting for a Democrat. My state will be putting all of our electoral votes toward a Democrat.

I don't think Biden is going to fair well with swing state voters who get hammered with that debate footage for months. I guess you do.

We'll see if we win in November. I don't like how the future looks though.

So does a pencil.

It is kind of nuts that you guys in the UK aren't allowed to run with scissors.

Yeah, but is it illegal for everyone and he was just busted for it and you're ok because of his priors or is it illegal because of his priors?

Because it probably shouldn't be illegal for everyone with the cops being able to just pick and choose.

If you're driving a car you're responsible for a large machine.

If you can't calmly drive the machine you are licensed for and negligently drive onto walking paths that is on you. I don't have to feel any sympathy for you and neither does anyone else. You put people's lives at risk because you can't drive.

I'm not looking to debate you. Your opinions don't matter. Your someone who drives on the lakefront path. Real brain trust you must be with great opinions.

Do you think swing state voters will blindly support Biden and oppose Trump? Can you explain why they will do so?

I'm voting for Biden. My state's electoral votes will all be going to Biden. I have no idea what your state's electoral votes will be doing. Do you?

Blue states will be going to Biden. Do you think that will be true for swing states that are actually in play? I don't. I'd like to win this year and not have Trump swinging immunity powers at everyone next year.

You were driving a vehicle that could kill someone on a pedestrian path.

I care about the pedestrians and cyclists a lot more than someone sitting in a car.

You don't seem to understand the responsibility you have when you are driving a vehicle. Your feelings at the time are of less of a concern than your actions that put others in danger.

but this won’t happen again because I’m not doing it on purpose, so please don’t equate me to those who do

You didn't do it on purpose. You did it out of blind negligence and now you want my sympathy for some reason for your negligent driving that put people's lives at risk.

Are you an adult who is seriously upset that they're not going to blow up a bunch of shit for no good?

Fireworks were invented when there wasn't a lot of cool shit for the masses. We don't need to blow up a bunch of crap to celebrate things. Go watch an IMAX movie or something. The people who invented fireworks would have given anything for that kind of experience.

Everything I was taught to love about this country has slowly been destroyed, final blow was the Supreme Court deciding the president is above the law.

Not celebrating this country or rooting for it anymore.

It's hard to be mad

If someone is confused and goes the wrong way down a one way, that's ok. But if they refuse to reverse back the way they came and will only forge forward - that immediately becomes about them being kind of shitty to other people. That's basically the same situation as these lakefront path drivers.

So, I understand backing up down the path is hard. But it's not impossible. And you put other people in danger by continuing to go forward because it was easier for you.

Why should other people's safety be lower than your comfort?

Yes, and we know that. But the problem with uninformed swing voters is that they don't know that so you have to put up a real candidate to get their votes.

Do you think swing state voters will vote for Biden come election time? It's that simple.

If Biden isn't going to use his immunity powers, the next Republican president will.

We're just here until that happens. Unless Biden or another Democrat uses his new immunity powers to fix this we are just sitting around waiting for fascism because we can't beat Republicans at the polls forever.

That's what a Convention and delegates are for.

Or that's what Biden, as the head of the party can do. Choose his replacement based on their ability and name recognition.

People don't like Kamala Harris.

These folks will tell you that you should have personally run against Biden and won if you want to see change. They are disingenuous to their core.

(I am still up for Biden but find it intelligent to at least consider the options.)

We do too, but a really unlikeable vice president running for President is not a good option.

Nobody wants her for President right now.

There's nothing Democratic about her being given that position on the ticket.

And my vote counts the same as everyone elses.

We don't have a popular vote. If your state is overwhelmingly for one candidate or the other - your state definitely counts as much as everyone else in your state, which is not much. I live in Illinois. Our electoral votes are going to Biden/Democrats. That's assured. I don't know what state you live in.

I don't think anyone cares about the debate except the media.

Sure thing. People watching those video clips for the next few months won't be affected by them. Sure sure.

Red state voters are happy to vote for a progressive ballot measure and then turn around and vote a strait (R) ticket. We've seen this again and again and again.

Abortion referendums might do great. Probably will. I used to live in Missouri. Progressive ballot measures over and over again pass along with republicans who will work in the state house to stop the passed ballot measures.

Low info voters who work blue collar jobs in red & purple states aren't going to vote for a guy who can't finish sentences. People need to understand that and live with that information.

The whistle blowers that keep dying have already said this.

Justice Department is cutting a deal with these murderers too.

Will independent swing state voters?

This is Clinton 2016 all over again.

I am too.

Do you think swing state independent voters will watch that debate video over the next few months over and over again and vote for him?

Because your vote probably doesn't matter, like mine doesn't. But those votes were fighting over do matter and will be the ones who give us a president.

People who are going to be asked to vote for Biden are asking that he drop out.

Not the "entire world." People whose lives are on the line want Biden to find a healthy replacement.

It's like you're trying to be disingenuous or don't understand what is at stake.

so hopefully there isn’t too much of a meltdown.

Losing the election and then Trump using his new immunity powers is the meltdown that is coming.