I’ve had good luck finding a range of linen styles from Uniqlo and Muji.

I see your main questions have been answered so I’ll add on that many strollers have a bassinet style add on, and many strollers also have a lay flat feature with some extra cushion inserts for positioning an infant — so while you can’t necessarily put a newborn in many strollers, there are strollers with settings (I know the uppababy has both of the above options, but plenty of others do too) that will make them officially safer for long walks than attaching an infant car seat (which will have shorter time limits especially for sleeping for infants due to the positioning of baby in the car seat vs in a lay-flat stroller arrangement. )

Their other name is the Monarchs. They could migrate!

My kid has all the vaccines I can get doctors to give us (he’s had 5 Covid shots so far!) but he goes to a school where there are a lot of wealthy hippies who don’t vaccinate their kids. I’d definitely keep a baby away from unvaccinated kids as much as possible, but older kids are going to be around germs and unvaccinated kids in all sorts of places you can’t control of even know about. So I’m not quite so against hanging out with unvaccinated friends as some people might be - but you should definitely assess the situation for your family! Besides measles, whooping cough, influenza, and covid and more are going around currently where I am!

It’s a great time to practice how to do things quietly before baby shows up! Because even if baby starts out as a deep sleeper who can sleep through anything, there will come a day when baby becomes more sensitive and you and wife will be on edge about not waking the baby because you just spent a long time getting baby to sleep and you need a little time to sit down or to pee or to some chores.

Also, when you’re sleep deprived and especially if wife breastfeeds, there are some really really strong emotions and physical feelings that are triggered by a baby and the fear of it waking. (Breastfeeding is such a physically taxing process at times - especially if baby just spent hours nursing or mom just pumped, the fear of baby waking again and going right back to cluster feeding can be like a PTSD response— and I say this as someone who has a relatively easy time.)

I wasn’t old enough to be in grade school in 1984 but I was in 1986. I remember being at a specific house where I went after school for care when the radio was on and reporting the disaster. If your memory was of any slightly later date than 1984 I might have questioned the situation, but I can absolutely pinpoint my memory being of 1986.

Most infant care is $2500 per kid per month where I am. Is she getting a huge discount for three kids for that much? It would be a much better deal for the director to get three families in paying the full rate!

I got pregnant on purpose and barely felt an emotional connection to my kid until a while after he was born. I did have some visceral feelings of protecting and making sure he was fed and watched and cared for well, but not like a “my heart is glowing” sort of thing. I’m not immensely emotional, but I’m also not dead inside… it’s fairly normal!

If your tap water smells like chlorine, it often just needs to sit a bit to have that gas off. Fill a pitcher with water so you have it on hand throughout the day - it usually only takes a few minutes of sitting in a cup to dissipate though.

All water has microplastics in it now, so unless you’re home-distilling into glass jars, I wouldn’t be too worried about the difference a splash of non-dairy or even dairy milk will make in terms of environmental contaminants

Assuming baby doesn’t come early, go to all your classes first days, be super on time and attentive and then after class, approach the professors and inform them that you’re determined to succeed and keep up in the class, and you are also expecting your first child any day now and you wanted to let them know just in case it happens on a class day that that is why you’re might not be there.

My kid enjoyed his first cookie in a flight at 10 months old because the flight attendant gave us a packet of biscoff and they didn’t contain his allergen and we were like “screw it it’s a fun activity!” And gnawing on it entertained him for like 20 minutes and that was wonderful!

I finally listened to the audiobooks and thought the voices were well done overall, though every once in a while the tone or timing of Bambleby’s delivery was a bit off from how I’d read it in my head from the print books. Once or twice it seemed like a line was delivered too fast, but other times the joking nature of Bambleby came across better in the way it was voiced. Overall it was great

Some day your time will come and you’ll see a post from a dude who lost his orgone pyramid while bathing away the pollen in Amazon creek and offers an unpaid internship on his cousin’s biodynamic hops farm as a reward for anyone who can return it, and even then, there will be more Eugene awaiting you in future Reddit posts.

Ha, I’d suggest nearly any bar not in downtown. I wonder what y’all’s definition of “dangerous” is…

Baby Boy 7/16/16

Boob even for “comfort” is helping stimulate milk production.

We liked the Green Sprouts sip & straw . It’s a plastic outer, but glass insert. Comes apart easily to wash, has good handles, and you have the option of a straw configuration or a sippy cup style so you can skip the plastic straw and just use the silicon sippy cup option.

I like lots of natural things but medicine is where I generally go with western drugs over herbal stuff - especially due to allergies and side effects. My kid is allergic to most of the natural word (all pollen, dust, some foods, mold, etc) so herbal stuff is often way worse. Honey is nice but there’s no way we could ever get one that has all the right pollens to be useful (and we have access to wonderful local honey!)

We give our kid a daily dose of Children’s Zyrtec year round (going on about 4 years now, since he was 4) and it’s really effective. There are times of the year that we’ll give him a little break for a few weeks between the many allergy “seasons” And twice a year he takes a 5 day pause to allow for allergy testing. There are also typically a few weeks a year in the height of grass pollen season when we add an allergy medicine nasal spray. And a few days here and there when he needs some Advil for tree pollen headaches. He’s growing well, healthy, and thriving at school. And I genuinely believe that it’s because his allergies are kept so under control. I don’t mess with suffering from allergies because at worst he’s in bed miserable, and at best (unmedicated) he’s itchy and distracted at school. His grandparents had to suffer near constant headaches as kids when all they had as options were honey and similar things.

There was an episode that I think I remember was the final one, where they slide into a world that looks correct but they have a very short window of time before their next slide. The young male main character tests it the best way he knows how - checking his home’s front gate to see if it squeaks just right. It doesn’t squeak so he makes the last second decision to jump through the portal for the next slide. Right after they all leap through, and the portal closes, his mom exits the house with a handyman who she pays for fixing the gate.

That sounds like the edited story for a child’s ears… including a grown child who doesn’t want to hear about the poop coming out while their mom pushed them out

It sounds like she likes video games - Level Up Arcade is a nice place to get some fries, interesting soda, and spend a chill hour or two some afternoon. Maybe she’d like a day of that plus shopping at a few trendy used clothing stores

A big tub of Triple Paste is my tried and true. It works. I still keep a tube around for occasional privates-irritation and my kid is way out of diapers.

Salmon, chicken, and avocado!? Wow

There’s one kind of behind Trader Joe’s that’s great for toddlers