I don't want peace

I noticed that too. And everyone laughing just makes it worse. You can see the disappointment on her face.

I don't want peace.

I've genuinely believed this to be true as well. He can't let anything go and he doesn't like that James chose Kristen over him or that James is more liked than the other men right now.

Sandoval also brings that up this past season and James says that he can't move on from things that happened 10 years ago.

I think Sandoval will do whatever he can to make those he doesn't like look bad and enact revenge.

My dad has this on his Facebook πŸ’€

I don't want peace.

Cocaine definitely came to my mind 🀣

I brought the bunny! :juMVnFcsM2:

Ahh, that makes sense.

I brought the bunny! :juMVnFcsM2:

Lisa Rinna- She acts as though she has a strong moral compass and wants to do what's "right" but she's cruel. She could also be chaotic/evil.

I brought the bunny! :juMVnFcsM2:

Who is the neutral/neutral?

I don't want peace.

I'm at the same spot you are, Lala is so uncomfortable to watch.

Season 6 is a lot better than I remember it. Jax "downing" πŸ’€

I don't want peace

Thank you for this information. It's very helpful and I've never seen it before.

That's nice of you but you don't have to send me pictures, I'll look the book up! Maybe I'll add it to my Bravo collection lol

I don't want peace.

I'll DM you the link. I can't post it in the comments.

Someone else in the comments found a cool Kristen one!

I don't want peace.

Yes! This! Thank you! People really did not understand that you can dislike it without trying to personally attack me lol. Also, to what you said, we all enjoy this show in some form to be watching it and spending time alone talking about it.

It seems the anti-tshirters have subsided though.

Thank you πŸ–€


I don't want peace.

Thank you! πŸ€— You are very right, they did not pay for it and it's not that deep lmao. I might think twice about sharing my T-shirt finds in the future though!

I don't know enough about bots to know if they DM you and what they can say but it felt....odd. If real, none of these people would say such things in real life if confronted. They just feel emboldened by anonymity and are probably really miserable inside.

I just hope OP doesn't take these things to heart and knows that what those people write says more about them than OP.

TW: Graphic Violence

I posted about gaming and using a mic as a woman and people were messaging me telling me they were gonna come find me, kill me, kill me and my family, slit my throat and a bunch of other fun stuff. πŸ™ƒ

I posted about a t-shirt I bought on another sub for a TV show and it got brigaded with people telling me I'm creepy, pathetic, a stalker, need help, cringey, etc.

I don't want peace

Genuinely, has anything concrete actually come out about him being physically abusive?

I only ever see people talking about Kristen and Rachel alluding to it but everything I've read has just been speculation.

I have a hard time believing James was abusive towards Graham because of the way Graham (Hippie) acts around him and how much James clearly cares about his well-being.

Kristen is a known liar. We have watched her completely spin situations and twist information and just flat out lie for months on end. Her and Jax followed James around, antagonized and provoked him for a whole season. It seems like odd behavior to seek your abuser out and put yourself in dangerous situations just to get a rise out of them. She said she would share more information on him on her podcast but I haven't seen that? Not saying it doesn't exist I just haven't found it.

Racqcheky (Raquel/Rachel/Rocky) is also a known perpetual liar. The only thing I've been able to find is her saying there were bigger reasons she ended her engagement but never saying what they were. Not to mention that the exact, true timeline on Scandoval is still unclear and it can be deduced that she ended her engagement because of Sandoval.

I have searched for these specific abuse claims and I just cannot find them. If anyone can link something with credibility that would be really helpful.

Edit: typos

I don't want peace.

You sure seem to spend a lot of your time on threads about Ariana commenting about how much you dislike Ariana.


I don't want peace.

You've been randomly commenting about your disdain on this for two days.


I don't want peace.


I don't want peace.

Thank you! I really do enjoy it and people really don't get it lol. πŸ–€