Have you tried not being a failure instead of complaining on the Internet?

The majority of us (even including the younger ones) got shafted by how things have become

Strafing side to side is and running backwards is slower compared to running forward. That's just how movement works. There is no solution

slams desk EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!!!!

If you were standing behind a RPG IRL something similar would happen. RPG back blast can be lethal.

Your right, it was worse than capitalism.

Countries like America and Germany are already mixed economy's.

Consider the following:

You've been drafted. Report to your nearest Marine recruiting station by Jun 27 2023.

If you end up getting onward and want some help getting to know some of the ins and outs of the game let me know.

I got a Minor in Mechanical Engineering while I was in high school so I can always just build the robots if they replace my main job choice.

That's why I went to a college prep highschool. It was a lot harder than the other public schools and you would be kicked out if you're grades slipped. But it was 100% worth the effort.

That's why I'm studying Criminology. When you lose your job and commit crime out of desperation; I'll get paid.


Then they will never be seen again

There is a third option. Join the military.

Degenerate scum 🤝

Me realizing that the FNAF movie is finally coming out, but I will not be able to see it until winter break or next summer. undescribable pain

If you are feeling powerless you should join the Marine Corps! In the Marines you can change the world for the better! By joining the Marine Corps you will make a difference and help others even long after you leave active duty!

loads shotgun I recon you got 10 seconds ta get off my property partner. Otherwise I'll have to put you down.

At least your family loves you. My family is more like the U.N. than a functional group of people.