But knowledge workers only represent a part of the cost of operations: a significant cost, yes, but do you know what the power bill and cooling costs are for a data center? Add in the hardware cost — which is also a consumable liability — and you’re looking at billions of dollars for any of the major players. The cost will never drop to zero (which is another problem with these utopian visions of AGI).

Energy and infrastructure are consumable — they can’t be free. It has to come from somewhere.

What job do you do, though, when you’re 80?

Its much lower than 35%. Only 50% vote and he pulled like 48% of that, so roughly 24% of the general population, tops. 

Maybe thats good? I always thought the govt would do well to plant honeypot recipes for explosives on terrorist websites that will blow up the person who makes it instead of producing a weapon. 

Apparently they’ll use it as napalm, it’s right there in the title.

The comment you’re replying to was actually a disinformation campaign launched by the bed bugs to make you think its safe to attend. 

Bergnia and Hofsnia was the site of a major war in the 1990s which included the siege of Dubrovnik. This led to the creation of the Eurovision song and dance contest to prevent further conflicts between the nations. 

I think people should be taking these articles a lot more seriously, but she’s also incredibly naive about what this would actually look like. 

She builds her case on two presumptions: that skilled physical labor will still be in demand and that knowledge work will be replaced by some kind of UBI.     

First, why does she assume that a social program like UBI will save us? In the US at least, there’s a very good chance that all of the knowledge workers will lose their jobs, end up on unemployment for 6 months while they endlessly apply to the few very senior roles that are left before blowing through their savings, before ending up broke and possibly homeless. One of these two scenarios is rooted in reality — its happening today — and the other is an optimistic notion that there would be enough bipartisan support in congress to construct the biggest social entitlement program in the history of the world, at a time when one party still won’t give poor people free healthcare. Call me a skeptic. 

Second, think of what this setup is creating: a two tier system of useless aristocrats — a comparison she welcomes — and the blue collar labor that actually makes the things we need. How often does that social structure result in peace and prosperity? Why would anyone want to wake up at 4:30 in the morning to go pull cable in a crawlspace for people who lay around doing nothing all day? How likely is that really?   

Lastly, economics provides choice: if I want to travel once a month, then I can choose to allocate my resources that way. In a post-work, UBI based world, what does that look like? Can I just take a cruise every day for the rest of my life, sipping mai tais and riding water slides? Will such limited resources be allocated equally to those displaced by AI and the laborers who now have all the cash?    

One comparison to look at: outsourcing manufacturing jobs. Essentially we’re doing the same thing with knowledge work but instead of sending the jobs to India, we’re sending them to GPUs in the cloud. Well we did this with manufacturing in the late 90s and said “Everyone will transition to new industries like solar or service jobs.” What really happened is a huge chunk of the country got left behind, hooked on drugs, and saw their communities completely destroyed because there just wasn’t any work anymore. The new jobs didn’t materialize as promised. Many parts of the country never recovered. So how are we going to avoid that this time? Maybe make a plan for that. 

If he was 20 years younger and spoke like Gavin Newsom, people would be saying he was the greatest president of the modern era.

They trained it on two decades of final exams of college students who were jacked to the tits on adderall. 

And in terms of advancing minority interests, worth acknowledging the first black woman as VP and on the supreme court. Huge. 

There are a ton of projects going on around the country with signs on them that say something like “Paid for by Joe Biden’s bipartisan Inflation Reduction act” 

Biden is doing a pretty damn good job. CHIPS and infrastructure bills. Student loan relief. Rescheduling weed. And doing the best he can with foreign policy, though its a very difficult time.

I don’t think hamas gives a single fuck about ukraine or taiwan. The people egging them on might, but all the care about is killing israelis. If its trump, the idf will turn gaza to glass. They won’t stop.

That’s not an issue a governor nor a president really controls. The prosecutors made that call. She could pardon one of them, but seems pretty dumb considering they were convicted by a jury. 

Hamas really doesn’t want Trump to win in November. Not that Biden is good for them — they’ll be hunted down either way — but if its Trump everyone they know will go with them. Its in their interest to agree.

Won’t everyone become numb to it, practically overnight? We have with every other bit of privacy we’ve lost.

I've been to 23 weekends.

That’d be a great surprise set. Even better: don’t tell anyone, just come out and play.

Rod Blagojevich too (who is now a Trumper).