:11: Martinelli

Not sure what the English pundits are saying about the game but the Spanish fellas are giving praise to our boy Bukayo

I just watched Aliens. It’s literally Starfield.

Those links are not for scamming your way into streaming a song under an artist name it’s an article about artists that manipulate their streaming numbers.

That’s understandable but you should also stand up to your parents. Going to the beach right after walking all day at Disney land? Read the room for Christ sake.

There it is. He doesn’t wanna go cuz your parents sound EXHAUSTING.

I just went on a trip with my mom, she paid for everything. It was stressful and if I was tired she would guilt me into going to an extra place or two despite me just wanting to lounge at the hotel and relax.

Did you just gloss over the part where op said they literally went to Disney land the year before? Lmfao

Yea also the person booking the vacation could be controlling the activities. We need more info here.

Paid for vacations could be fun but if they come with strings “I paid for this vacation and we are going to x place. End of story.” Then they’re just a chore.

My guy you know how many streams would be needed for this “scam” to be profitable? Makes zero sense to make a “song” upload it with a name like Distant and then what? Wait a few months to make a couple dollars? Lmfao

Hahaha I laughed to hard when people accused that artist of doing that to Distant. Distant is a good band but there are more successful artists out there to “scam” plays off of

When I first joined Spotify I loved that it gave me new music. But then after a little while my daily playlists consisted of the same songs over and over again. If I finished listening to an album it would play the same songs. Like a popular artist? Here’s the same song after each album/playlist you listen to. Your favorite artist releseed a new song? It’s gonna cram it down your throat. Hated it. So I made the switch to AM. The discover station is awesome imo and they do have curated playlists for you just gotta dig a bit.

I hate this argument. I’m not gonna support a local business if it sucks just cuz it’s local. Some local places suck, it’s a gamble and with today’s economy gambling on overpriced coffee just ain’t it.

Also it’s just coffee bro idgaf about local beans. I just want my hot bean water made on time so I can get to work and go about my day lol

Local coffee shops are either priced the same or more than Starbucks so idk where this “overpriced” argument is coming from it’s literally the same everywhere lmfao

All people struggle differently.

Also failing to see the choosing beggar.

Don’t go to a coffee shop for a sandwich?

Even local coffee shops will have bad food lmao and spare me “my local coffee shop is actually really good” cuz it’s obvious not all local coffee shops are made the same lmfao

It exactly is convenience. I order my coffee ahead of time while getting ready for work so I can just pop in to grab my order and leave for work. Went to a local coffee shop by my work. Waited 15 min for a subpar coffee. Some local shops just suck and are a gamble. You know what you’re getting when going to Starbucks.

Here’s the thing tho if those friends coddle and tell her it’s okay cuz she tried she’s not gonna learn anything. She needs to get professional help.

Had something similar happen with a friend I decided to cut off. He would swear up and down that he’s not doing coke anymore as he would be chopping up a line for himself, always had an excuse “this is the last of it and then I’m done I swear” never took responsibility for his actions just like Op she’s blaming it on the “friend” and “didn’t want him to do it alone” those are excuses and OP needs rehab badly.

This happens to smaller bands too lmao people get so mad too and say things like “they’re only using the bands name to get plays” this was for a band named Distant not a huge band but decently known in deathcore community.

Just watch The Sopranos and you’ll find out that all criminals love animals

It gave us an awesome scene.

Venom bitting off Kravens head. It was awesome and worth the price of admission imo