One more observation regarding the parents at the Malibu preschool … this was the late 1990’s. Most of the couples I observed and interacted with were lovely and seemed to be good, involved, loving parents. Even if their marital arrangements were more transactional than most (youth/beauty/looks/sex in exchange for wealth and power) I felt as if the family units they created were outwardly healthy and happy. Just my two cents :)

Also, my grandfather was a wealthy wholesale jewelry/gold and coin dealer who married my grandma, a retired broadway star with a cool 25 year age spread between them. They stayed married for 30 years until he passed away in his 90’s. She never remarried …

I was a preschool teacher in Malibu, at a very exclusive, very expensive school. I would say that nearly 60% of all of the parents fit this dynamic, with maybe up to 30% of those duos being a pairing of a SIGNIFICANTLY older (15/20+ year age difference) very wealthy man with a stereotypically beautiful, much younger wife.

I LOVE these old cabinets for storage - LIST IT! (FWIW I would pay between $30 a $50 for something like this on FBMP or another B/S/T app)

My eldest and only son passed away in his sleep 2.5 years ago. I am so deeply sorry for your loss; I feel like I died the day he did and I can’t seem to come out of the fog. It’s the most unimaginable pain I’ve ever experienced and I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy.

Like you, I am in an absolute sinking ship financially because my husband went off the deep end and I had to move back to Los Angeles with our two girls alone. We are up to our necks in cc debt and I have to move out of my Grandmother’s home because she passed away last year and my brother and father are locked in a probate war over her estate. 😞

In Hawaii we called that “haole rot” (haole = non native <generally white>). My son’s doctor prescribed an antifungal topical cleanser and cream and told him to use sunscreen (and reapply every 2 hours).

I think it’s a bathroom with a toilet, sink and stand up shower stall but no bathtub

These cars are ALSO the choicest vehicles (barring Ford F150 trucks and Toyota Tacomas) for younger active duty military members …

Through trial and error, memory (I was born and bred here) AND a big, fat Thomas Guide, pencil & notebook!!

Thank you for this!! I have tried for so long to beat this frickin’ level and now … I HAVE 👍🏻

Or a military spouse. Our community (I have been a military spouse for almost 20 years) is FULL of entitled women BEGGING other Moms, neighbors & older children to watch their kids for free 🤷🏻‍♀️

Yes, as a native Valley-born Angeleno I had a lot of friends whose parents lived there. My family also LOVES exploring, so we’ve been to a crazy amount of the far flung areas Southern California has to offer :)

I am a Mom to three children (23 year old male (passed away 💔), 16 year old trans male and 9 year old daughter) and my heart breaks for you. I don’t have much to offer except that I am here, I read this sub, and I can GUARANTEE that things will get better. I am so sorry that things are so hard for you right now … I just want you to know that you have support and many non judgmental shoulders here 💙

Oh ffs - I am OLD as dirt, am a native Angeleno (but have lived all over the coasts & Hawaii) and walk everywhere! Some people are just overly cautious and feel unsafe if they aren’t surrounded by a million tons of steel and glass, and because Los Angeles is SUCH a slave to “car culture” I think that quite a lot of folks just don’t feel safe when out and about without that safety net of a vehicle to make them feel secure 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Just use common sense and your street smarts and you’ll be just fine! Enjoy the lovely weather and all that LA has to offer :)

I second Doll Hut! For both the dive atmosphere AND the punk

I am a military spouse and I have seen A LOT of these, in several different states (VA, NC, GA, FL). MLMs LOVE them some milspouses …

I second this! LOVE LOVE LOVE the LAX flyaway shuttle