This happens to me as well πŸ˜” my guess is that when I switch hands to apply the mascara I am switching the orientation of the applicator wand in a way that makes it uneven- I try to make up for this by adding more/matching the orientation between eyes but it somehow always ends up uneven anywayπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

First dilf zevran.... now dilf fenris? I can't survive this (positive)

Immaculate taste brΓΆther πŸ‘Œ

God this one was sad. I have no experience with the trauma either party is going through so I don't have much to add to this conversation other than that, in my own opinion, OP handled things to the best of her ability and I hope she looks back on this situation with that in mind. While I'm sure the daughter did not find what she hoped to find, I wish for her that she is able to take the information she's recieved and begin moving on. I can't imagine what it would feel like to find out you were conceived like this but I hope she can find it in herself to understand why OP is not able to have a relationship with her and that both parties can find peace in their lives moving forward. The POS who caused this horror should have rotted in jail for much longer than 16 years. He stole both of these womens' childhoods and it sounds like many more members of the family as well.

He is very friend shaped. I love him. I'd recommend giving it some time to settle and see how you feel about it then, it could always be touched up by another artist you trust at a later date, or covered/lazered if you decide you hate it. Personally I think he's absolutely adorable and would keep him 🧑

OP this is adorable! I gotta say I've never seen a dress code enforced at a renfest (not saying they don't exist, I just have never witnessed it being enforced lol) and I have seen a lot of more revealing things @ refests than this cute lil mushroom outfit! It also seems like it'll be a good choice for the heat and I bet you'll get compliments on it πŸ„πŸ˜Š

Pls I'm not strong enough for this

This is soooooo good! My first reaction like most people on here was loving it, so don't listen to whoever is being a hater in your life!

Oh man I couldn't quite put my finger on why it bothered me so much but you figured it out πŸ˜”

Varric.... look how they massacred my boy πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

God there was a time when I would watch this video several times a day 😭

Same with the video game thing, seems like such a fun thing to do on shrooms but comprehending what's going on on the screen when I'm tripping is too monumental a task for my brain lmao. Also hard to get my hands to grip the controllers when it feels like I'm made of water

Agreed, getting high before poking someone with a needle isn't a great idea even under the best circumstances. You could have the highest tolerance level ever and have a lot of control when you're high, but the person you're poking has to be able to give consent to being poked by a high person and there aren't many who would be cool with that. Personally I would be worried about accidental contamination, i know in my own case when im high or even just buzzed i have terrible coordination and a bad memory so i cant imagine keeping track of sterilization in that state. I've heard of tattoo artists offering to smoke with clients or clients even bringing weed as a gift for their artists and if both parties are aware and consenting then that's up to them, they're the ones who have to live with the consequences should something go wrong. But it should ALWAYS be an open communication and ultimately up to the client, no one should ever be tattooing high without consent from the client

OP this is soooo good thank you for sharing it!

Without answering your question I love that Assan has his own spot in the companion lineup πŸ˜‚ I hope he has his own dialogue like the mabari from origins

After an entire decade I'm chomping at the bit to play the hell out of this game. It could be in the form of an 8 bit side scroller and I wouldn't care as long as there was closure lmao. That being said it sounds like the people who have been working on this game are beyond excited for us to play it, some of them have been fighting tooth and nail for 10 years to see this game become reality.The excitement from the devs really helps sell me on the game being worth the wait

Yeah that one farm rift on the dam in the river still gives me the heebee jeebees. It's just too powerful to be that easy to stumble on early game πŸ˜‚ can't tell u how many times I had to run away on negative health and leave my entire party dead behind me

People are having the same reaction to the new LOTR anime because the lead is a woman. That's like... miles behind dragon age in terms of "wokeness" considering most of the main cast of DAV characters are pansexuals from diverse backgrounds and LOTR fans can't handle 1 white woman... but the sentiment is the same. Scary to think that we can be making so much progress in the world and still there are always people who will be living in the stone age.

If they actually let us romance varric... πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘

Been waiting so long to see tevinter in this franchise and I gotta say they DELIVERED. Somehow exactly what I imagined and simultaneously 1000x better than I ever could have pictured. I'm so excited to get up in there

Oh man I didn't even think about the idea of new weapon choices for varric! I was too distracted mourning Bianca 😭 one thing I noticed in the gameplay trailer was that at some point an enemy calls out specifically to Varric during combat, wondering if that means that enemies will sometimes recognize your companions and prompt special dialogue during combat? Maybe just a one-off for this scene in the game but it would be super cool if it's a new feature! Similarly, Harding alludes to Rook's specific background and faction in a cutscene, which gives me hope for even more personalized dialogue based on our Rooks' many different possible backgrounds. As someone who replays DAI every year or so (coping mechanism lmao), that kind of stuff really helps make individual playthroughs stand out from each other IMO!

Combat looks so much more intense and fun in this game which I'm sooo excited for. I usually play a mage and it can get boring to just stand off to the side shooting spells at people, so fingers crossed there's a lot of opportunities for fast-paced immersive combat 🀞 also excited for Assan and the implications of him existing in general

I've got these two in my [[Koma, Cosmos Serpent]] deck!