Fleece and a beanie. Liner gloves pants wool socks

Brutal but back work pays about double what brain work pays. As it should, that career can’t extend into your 60s the way yours can

Also you’re getting screwed I make 78k on 4 YoE no masters in education in Denver

You’re insane to say the team doesn’t have enough shooters hahahaha

If this is an actual admin rule now I am so fucking grateful

A driver that goes 225 straight I think I’d be a 12 or 15 with that

I mean dead center fading to the pole 2 inches above the cage IS the only perfect putt…

This was fading to the outer left of cage

Should it have caught yes

Should baskets behave like glue sticks, for me no but it doesn’t make it hurt any less

There are also other tee times on other days and you can go alone. Idk tho enjoy the game how you want but it seems your expectations are keeping you from enjoyment more than external factors outside your control

I’ve never once had an issue with a tee time before 730 I’m just saying

In Denver that can be a mako mako3 kc roc fuse

Idk what your distance expectation is off that line but Pures are great too if you have some airspace you can tickle 275-300 if you’re just a mortal anyway

Came to say this lol

“Why don’t they teach me taxes?”

I mean they teach you how to read, analyze documents, and do algebra

You have been given all the tools but it is you at the end of the day who must build the solutions to your life with those tools

What was “that one shot” did anything come out even remotely promising?

If you want to try again I’m taking my second attempt this year

I managed Humboldt in my first but these hikes are not easy or accessible. I’m impressed you got up past the lakes from lower it’s no joke

Maybe you would consider breaking the attempt in half and getting to south col sleeping and running the añgrue attempt the next day that’s my plan this time around

Yeah… that’s the exact way it’s paid for. What do you think if misleading? Just not mentioning the word “taxes”

You realize the only folks who “lose” that deal are folks you will never ever interact with? Anyone who makes under 400k/yr saves money