couldn’t pay me to watch it. I have enough reasons to feel depressed as-is

Makes you wonder how many “Tom from MySpace” stories there are that we just don’t know about.

(MySpace sold for $580M, Tom fucked off and traveled the world, takes photos, and seems otherwise well-adjusted)

It’s pretty simple. Elon (and people of his economic status) survive because “line go up” and the whole point of our economic system is that population go up so line always go up. Population go down and line go down.

I figure you’ll see more and more of this. As Prigozhin showed, Putin is only as strong as the perception held by certain Russians that he’s strong, smart and in control.

So even if it means he has to eventually surround himself with a kindergarten of appointed ministers, so be it.

In the early 2000s in American public schools, being “autistic” meant being so far on the spectrum that you couldn’t handle traditional classroom and social settings, and this required Special Education curriculum. The idea of a “spectrum” didn’t even exist yet. It was binary.

As understanding and the idea of an autism spectrum emerged, we now see a larger representation. Someone doesn’t have to be severely autistic to be considered such, similarly to how sexuality as a spectrum emerged in parallel

It buys peace of mind and free time, which lets you pursue happiness much more easily

What I think people miss here when making comments like “yeah you have to be a genetic anomaly to be a pro athlete tho, what if Tom was 5’8?” is that Tom isn’t saying any hard worker can be a GOAT athlete.

What he’s saying is that the difference between the worst and the greatest person in a given field is determined more by mindset than anything else.

To translate: if you can play D1 college ball, what will determine going to the NFL or not is your mindset. Because it means you generally have the genetics, but if you outwork every other person, you’ll have a chance at being a late-round pick (like Tom was). And if you’re a late-round pick, if you outwork everyone else, you can become a starter (like Tom did). And if you become a starter, you can outwork everyone and become a great. And if you can become a great and outwork everyone, you can become a legend.

And it makes sense, especially in sports. If you look at the GOATs: Tyson, Jordan, Bryant, Brady, none of them were the tallest, fastest, or biggest guys. Inside their sport, they were not genetic anomalies. But what they all DID have in common was that they were absolutely obsessed and willing to go farther than anyone else in their field to achieve something.

I mean shit, go look at Tyson’s fights. Absolutely, Tyson had a crazy physique, and was an absolute freak athlete. But in some of those fights, his opponents are standing a head taller than him. Absolutely massive individuals. Huge size disparity. But Mike would still beat the ever-living fuck out of them, and outclass them all with technique. That’s the point.

I often think about the necessity of boredom. The way we experienced it before the internet exploded into every corner of our lives and lived in our pockets at all times.

I think part of the reason “risky” or “new” premises are less common (in seemingly all media: movies, games, TV, books, YouTube channels) is because creators are somewhat collectively passing the buck, hoping that someone else will try something risky.

25 years ago, people were bored. They had just watched X movie for the Y-hundredth time or the thousandth rerun of episode Z. Today, no one is really bored because there’s more content than you could ever consume.

So all the people making entertainment go “well SOMEBODY will do something new, certainly, in the mean time I’ll just use the formula”.

But it turns out those somebodies are much fewer and far between

I’m far from an expert, but NYC seems like it will be a happening place pretty much as long as humans continue to exist on the planet. It has a couple climate change concerns but not too many (like say South Florida would), and so I can only imagine a general appreciation in value there.

I think that’s exactly why Bo has such astute observations about this. He blew up on YouTube, what… 15 years ago or more? Singing comedic songs in what looked like his parents’ attic or something. Assumedly for no reason other than it was fun and he was bored.

Just being creative and sharing that with the world and suddenly being accepted and adored for it, only to then watch as the “creator economy” and like-and-subscribe culture came in and bulldozed it over the years.

Just the South would be the Jesus billboards. Deep South is abandoned gas stations.

Would love to see this done for a whole wall/room (if you can start with my living room that would be great)

Yeah it comes down to this. Let’s say the old adage was “pay 30% of your gross in housing costs”. But people are probably willing to tolerate 50%+ in reality, if it means having equity versus burning money on rent. So that means prices will nearly double across the board, and stabilize there.

But what if people go even further? Then the number will continue to go up.

I would hazard to say that it’s because conservatism at its heart, is a denial of reality and most of its arguments hinge on opinion or feeling, rather than fact and practice.

For example. Drugs exist. People take drugs. Drugs on the whole, create a cost to society. What should we do about that?

Conservative: ban all drugs (except these specific ones that we think aren’t as bad and decided totally arbitrarily), throw people in jail, spend trillions on a “war on drugs” (only increasing the social cost)

Liberal: legalize some/all drugs, heavily tax them, use that money to generate revenue to offset that social cost

And let’s do another. Say, eliminating student loan debt. Millions of people in my country were given predatory loans as teenagers that can’t be removed with bankruptcy, and as such are the main barrier to wealth, investment, etc. for an entire generation. These loans enrich a select few, but hamper the entire economy. The general economic thought is that it would be an economic benefit FOR EVERYONE to eliminate this debt.

Conservative: that’s a handout, you made a bad choice now live with it! What about all the people that paid their loans fair and square? (ignoring my PPP loan that was forgiven, or failed business loans that I filed bankruptcy on)

Liberal: it would be a benefit to society to forgive this debt, and everyone would be better for it, so let’s do that within reason

And a final one, religion! We believe in my country that you are free to believe whatever you want, and practice whatever you want, so long as you aren’t hurting anyone. Let’s say one (public school) teacher tells his students that Jesus is the one true king and everything in the Bible is real. Let’s say another teacher says Hail Satan, god is fake. Here’s what would happen.

Conservative: this Satan-worshipper has no place near children, they should be removed immediately! (But the Bible thumper is fine)

Liberal: no public school teacher should ever advocate for or promote a particular religion while at work. They both should face the same punishment.

Issa bug. You have uninstall and reinstall the app. But make sure you still have access to the phone number on your account to log back in

Currently your username is visible to everyone. And if you have multiple usernames by way of collectible usernames, I believe those are also always visible if linked to your profile.

Neat feature idea though! Like a mix of “who can see my number” and “who can find me by my number” settings, but for your usernames.

I don’t really care what Netflix puts on its platform. If it’s for me, I’ll watch it. If it isn’t, I won’t.

Just like how I won’t read this article because it’s a hack premise that only chronically online people care to indulge in because they have nothing better to do

Cat litter always in the bathroom, and always as close as possible to the toilet (flushable litter ftw). Makes it really easy to keep track of because any time you go to the bathroom you can see if they went (and get rid of it) and sweep up any errant litter on the floor