You’re gay and your parents hate you. Install looks good.

Steve Kerr not in any of those pictures 🤔

Sit on the couch and watch literally whatever game is on that slightly interests me, scroll through instagram reels, get up make a sammich, continue to scroll through reels. Feel like I should have done something productive, everyone gets home.

Have one of your gay Homies slide into his dm I bet he opens it right away

Matt got that slip n slide 🛝 💦🌊

99% of leaks on Mitsubishi’s are from improper flare connections/installation. Bet you anything they didn’t torque the flares to manufacture specs.

Two technicians one day 16 hours labor Were at like 3,200 just for leak detection. I understand this in an apartment and that’s factored in. I’m in the SF Bay Area where labor prices are through the roof because of cost of living / overhead.

Honestly this response seems to be the most rational. We are definitely lacking in multiple areas.

Thank you for your reply.

One of our apprentices quit alcohol and checked into therapy after multiple situations in his personal life. He was drinking pretty heavily and also using substances. Glad to hear that he’s turning a corner, kid is only 24.

I gave up alcohol for different reason, I’ll still have a beer maybe once in a while. I don’t really sleep well after I drink and that extra rest goes a long way.

I really think this might be what it comes down to. front office is a joke specifically operations manager, we survived so long on word of mouth all they needed was a person with a pulse to pick up. Customers love the techs but I often hear complaint that’s it’s not us in the field it’s the office that constantly fucks up.

It Doesn’t snow where I’m at

I used to but I covered it up because she forgot to take the crust off of my sandwich.

This has crossed my mind, my position in the company isn’t traditional. I do sales, but I’m primarily a installer that does service. I also do plumbing, electrical, and run the social media account. I’m in a leadership role without the title. It sounds all over the place because it is.

I take on these roles because it’s prepping me to own my own company one day, maybe stars are aligning.

Thanks for your feedback, enjoy the weekend!

Rumor mill regarding selling began spinning Friday, I just though it was the offices incompetence that was nose diving this company into the ground.

A conversation is going to be had, but I’m expecting he’s going to lie as this is big money conversations and I’m just an asset.

Thank you for the advice, and thank you for your work as an instructor!

Thank you, I’ll be looking out for this. I take a company vehicle home and haven’t noticed anything like that, I suppose so far thats a good sign.

I have work, clocking in 40. If I miss work it’s because I’m asking for it off. I’m paying attention to others schedules and it’s unsettling.

That’s the type of positive outcome I was hoping to hear.

Others seem skeptical, just going through the motions. No one abruptly leaving. Us technicians are pretty tight

I always keep my resume up to date and relationships maintained. I have offers from union and non union shops…I’m non union btw. I have a loyalty to the soul of this company if that makes sense, not the bossman. I genuinely want to see this company succeed and do well, although I have greater aspirations for my children and wife and with my family is where my true loyalty is.

Thank you for your response!