Love reading about travel adventures & misadventures? want to know how a backpacker turned into a nomad roaming around the world?

How did this unlikely nomadic life come to be especially when British Backpacker Amit had to face so much adversity along the way? What does he learn? Why can't he go back to England? And what happens to him in the company of monkeys?

Check out this FREE book sample from 'Backpacker to Nomad' to get a glimpse into his crazy travel life



Book excerpt from my travel memoir 'Backpacker to Nomad'

Good morning everyone,

How about starting your Tuesday off with a little book excerpt from my popular new travel memoir 'Backpacker to Nomad'

(This little snippet comes from the 2nd story in the book and from the very first time I solo travelled way back when I was still a newbie backpacker)

Check pics below




Backpacker to Nomad

Hiya everyone,

If you are looking for something new to read, you might be interested in my popular new travel memoir. Here's a little of what to expect in the book:

Adventures and discovery meet misfortunes and despair from the sun-kissed beaches of Australia to the jungles and ancient wonders of Southeast Asia in this humorous travel memoir.

Newbie British backpacker, Amit, finally escapes the shackles of mundane everyday life but life’s not that simple! The scrapes and sticky situations he finds himself in would have normal people on the first flight home but Amit’s not normal and going back home to England is not an option, ever!

This collection of true travel stories unfolds an astonishing life-altering yet turbulent unplanned five-and-a-half-year journey. While incredible highs and jaw-dropping moments are experienced, Amit must overcome fears, conquer crippling anxieties and dodge mental and physical obstacles. A Lunatic pilot plunging him to certain death, being homeless in a fairy-tale town, and fights with wild primates on tropical paradise Islands, are just a few escapades Amit faces. So why does he continue? Just why can’t he return home to England? And what do the realities of long-term budget travel teach him?

If you dream of packing it all up to explore the world or love reading about travel adventures pick up your copy today to find out and lose yourself in Amit’s unpredictable world!

The memoir is available on Kindle and in paperback through Amazon (i don't want to add links as the post can be taken down as spam)


Backpacker to Nomad

Adventure & discovery meet misfortunes & despair from the sun-kissed beaches of Australia to the ancient wanders & jungles of Southeast Asia! Oh, and the Monkeys!

This is no ordinary gap-year backpacking trip...

Led on by his rogue inner voices, British backpacker, Amit's first foray into budget travel is simply calamitous - Along with a combination of bad luck, a lack of belief, and funds, his new dream life crumbles. But a twist of fate changes Amit's life forever…Of course, it doesn't get any easier!

Life's sucker punches land knockout blows, and Amit gets into the stickiest situations, like being plunged to certain death by a lunatic pilot en route to a deserted Island, disaster while scaling active volcanoes, and face-offs with uncontrollable wild primates even when he's accompanied by his trusty travel companions.

So what drives Amit's insatiable hunger to explore the world? Why can't he ever return home to England or a normal life?


In the Jungle, the Chang Mai jungle!

Dry rusty dirt kicked up from the ground. My limp had got worse and my injured foot dragged like a broken part hanging off the bottom of a car. Mobility had become an issue, the girls had floated away in front without much concern, however, She kept swiveling her head back just to make sure I was still in view.

Every movement from either side of the foliage prompted my eyes to turn into sniper scopes, looking through the dense covering of palms and vines, but there was nothing was in sight, jungle animals were the masters of disguise.

The rusty dirt ground disappeared and turned into flattened overgrowth—I was certain the jungle’s inhabitants probably had eyes on me. However, away from the buzzes, zips, crickets, and croaks, another sound started to demand my attention. It was hidden from view, but everybody knew what it was. The girls let their ears lead the way as I trudged behind almost managing a smile. My inner child wanted to burst through the adult suit but was physically incapable at this point.

“Can you hear that, Amit?....

Read book excerpt no10 from my travel memoir 'Backpacker to Nomad'

Kindle countdown deal on USA kindle for 'Backpacker to Nomad'

It's two months since my travel memoir 'Backpacker to Nomad' was published, and to celebrate I'm running some kindle countdown deals starting with the amazon/kindle USA market.

From tomorrow the kindle eBook will be available for $0.99 cents for 48 hours then $1.99 for a further 48 hours before returning to its normal price for those who don't have kindle unlimited.

If you would like to buy the book at the cut price or want to help promote the countdown deal I would appreciate it so much :D :D

(Also if you have read the book, it would be amazing if you could leave a review on the WLM group and on Amazon)

Here's the Amazon blurb for the book (and a link to USA kindle page)

Adventures and discovery meet misfortunes and despair from the sun-kissed beaches of Australia to the jungles and ancient wonders of Southeast Asia.

Led on by his rogue inner voices, British backpacker, Amit's first foray into solo travel is simply calamitous -  Along with a combination of bad luck, a lack of belief, and funds, his new dream life crumbles. But a twist of fate changes Amit's life forever…Of course, it’s still turbulent though. Life's sucker punches land knockout blows, and Amit gets into the stickiest situations, like being plunged to certain death by a lunatic pilot en route to a deserted Island, disaster while scaling active volcanoes, and face-offs with uncontrollable wild primates even when he's accompanied by his trusty travel companions.

Just what drives Amit's insatiable hunger to explore the world? Why can't he ever return to normal life?

These thought-provoking yet humorous travel stories will show you and reveal why this is not an adventure of a lifetime but a new life of adventures (and misadventures)

Travel lovers get your copy today!

New travel memoir: Backpacker to Nomad

Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know about my new travel memoir 'Backpacker to Nomad' If you love reading about travel adventures and misadventures you'll love sinking into this book

Adventures and discovery meet misfortunes and despair from the sun-kissed beaches of Australia to the jungles of Southeast Asia.

Led on by his rogue inner voices, British backpacker, Amit's first foray into solo travel is simply calamitous - Along with a combination of bad luck, a lack of belief, and funds, his new dream life crumbles. But a twist of fate changes Amit's life forever…Of course, it’s still turbulent though. Life's sucker punches land knockout blows, and Amit gets into the stickiest situations, like being plunged to certain death by a lunatic pilot en route to a deserted Island, disaster while scaling active volcanoes, and face-offs with uncontrollable wild primates even when he's accompanied by his trusty travel companions.

Just what drives Amit's insatiable hunger to explore the world? Why can't he ever return to normal life?

These thought-provoking yet humorous travel stories will show you and reveal why this is not an adventure of a lifetime but a new life of adventures (and misadventures)

What other readers are saying:

★★★★★ “The writing is excellent, and the author’s descriptions are so vivid” — Amazon Review
★★★★★ “You’ll get lost in Amit’s adventures and laugh along the way (mostly AT him)” — Amazon review
★★★★★ “I thought the way the book weaved between adventure and mental self-discovery was very smart. — Amazon Review

Travel lovers get your copy today!

(Available on #kindle for less than a coffee at £3.50 and a special 27% discount on paperback)

Travel memoir: Backpacker to Nomad

With colder and wetter days rolling in, what better way to escape the gloominess than to curl up with the humorous adventures and misadventures of 'Backpacker to Nomad' and disappear to countries far and wide for adventures and laughs! Readers are saying:

★★★★★ “The writing is excellent, and the author’s descriptions are so vivid” — Amazon Review

★★★★★ “You’ll get lost in Amit’s adventures and laugh along the way (mostly AT him)” — Amazon review

★★★★★ “I thought the way the book weaved between adventure and mental self-discovery was very smart. — Amazon Review

Adventures and discovery meet humour, misadventures, and rogue inner voices in this travel memoir as Amit tries to navigate through the thrills and spills of his early calamitous struggles with solo travel to crazy mishaps encountered with travel companions from Australia to Indonesia. Life is never simple, comfort zones are smashed, and despair is always close by.

These thought-provoking yet humorous travel stories take you on from being trapped with a lunatic pilot en route to a deserted island where a harrowing reality hits, face-offs with wild uncontrollable primate cousins to discoveries beyond imagination. Amit shows how an unlikely transformation takes place and answers why he can never return to ‘normal life’ even when life beats him down.

Be warned though, you may just get a serious case of wanderlust!

Travel lovers get your copy today!

'Backpacker to Nomad is available on Amazon worlwide

New Release - Backpacker to Nomad

If you love escaping to countries far and wide for adventures, discoveries, and mishaps with plenty of laughs along the way this is the book for you.

What readers are saying about 'Backpacker to Nomad'

“I thought the way the book weaved between adventure and mental self-discovery was very smart. —

Amazon Review “The writing is excellent, and the author’s descriptions are so vivid” — Amazon Review

“You’ll get lost in Amit’s adventures and laugh along the way (mostly AT him)” — Amazon review

Follow British backpacker Amit as he navigates his way from naive backpacker to full-time nomad, from Australia to Indonesia - This is not a planned journey, and nor was any day simple but somehow it just keeps going!

From Lunatic pilots, and deserted Islands, to volcanoes, jungles, and opium-addicted locals, 'Backpacker to Nomad' will keep you entertained all the way through.

Don't miss out on the special discounted price offer, grab your copy today!

(paperback available on Amazon, eBook available on kindle, and FREE for kindle unlimited subs)

Let me know in the comments if you would like a link to either the book or the FREE sample :D

Backpacker to Nomad

Hiya everyone, I'm very excited to announce my new travel memoir 'Backpacker to Nomad'

This book is a collection of adventures, misadventures, and important moments from the first five years of my accidental nomadic life! Why was it accidental, well because it was only meant to be a 1-year backpacking trip to Australia but through circumstances, situations, and luck (good and bad) this journey which started in 2010 just didn't stop. Only Covid put a pause on it for a couple of years. The book dives into my mentality changes over the years, my renegade inner voices, and why I can't return to normal life.

If you love escaping to countries far and wide for adventure, discovery, and despair this is a book you will love jumping into :D

'Backpacker to Nomad' is available in paperback on Amazon worldwide, the eBook on kindle and FREE for kindle unlimited readers

New travel memoir 'Backpacker to Nomad' (humorous stories of adventure, discovery and despair from the 1st five years of my traveling life)

Hiya everyone, I'm very excited to announce my new travel memoir 'Backpacker to Nomad'

This book is a collection of adventures, misadventures, and important moments from the first five years of my accidental nomadic life! Why was it accidental, well because it was only meant to be a 1-year backpacking trip to Australia but through circumstances, situations, and luck (good and bad) this journey which started in 2010 just didn't stop. Only Covid put a pause on it for a couple of years. The book dives into my mentality changes over the years, my renegade inner voices, and why I can't return to normal life.

If you love escaping to countries far and wide for adventure, discovery, and despair this is a book you will love jumping into :D

'Backpacker to Nomad' is available in paperback on Amazon worldwide, the eBook on kindle and FREE for kindle unlimited readers

(links to book available on request)

Backpacker to Nomad
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Me, Myself & I ('Backpacker to Nomad' travel memoir book excerpt no2


If you've not had the chance to read or buy my new travel memoir 'Backpacker to Nomad' yet don't worry - You can get a little taster with this #bookexcerpt from #travelstory no2: Me, Myself & I

Finally, solo traveling

With the knife dug in and twisted, pain screamed from my wallet as I reluctantly paid the bill and it was back into the herd of coffee addicts while pigeons went to town on the mess I left behind. The easiest option was to follow the flow of the hordes of locals and camera-clad tourists through one laneway to the other. Some became extremely tight, where it turned into a single file, while others widened.

The hole-in-the-wall cafés became fewer and further between and were replaced by an explosion of vibrant color. Every inch of concrete was hidden behind layers of street art and graffiti. Most of the amazing work looked like it belonged in a gallery, produced by extremely talented artists with such vivid imaginations. It definitely didn’t look like the crappy tags and amateur graffiti on walls back in my hometown.

As the cafés disappeared into the distance, so did the clanging of mugs, plates, and glasses. Coffee machine hisses turned into melodic soft music as buskers strummed their guitars and softly sang out—some better than others. A mellowness drifted through the air, it was hard not to be captivated by it while drifting through the graffiti-covered spaghetti maze. Cameras clicked relentlessly, capturing the amazing and vivid artwork, from bamboozling patterns to lifelike portraits of famous celebrities to cartoon characters.

Continue reading...


Yeah, it so insane, crazy experience to say the least - Did your friend enjoy it out there? Oh by the way the book has launched now, hope you get to read it :D

Plans? Sure they work! - A travel memoir sneak peek blog post


If you've not had the chance to read or buy 'Backpacker to Nomad yet' here's a little something for you

A sneak peek book excerpt from the first travel story in the book: Plans? Sure, they work!


The rustles coming from the thick foliage beneath the iron spiked fence would normally have scared the living daylights of me. However, tonight, the potential of snakes, giant spiders, lizards, baby dinosaurs, and who-knows-what-else lurking didn’t matter. All that mattered was that my feet were firmly on the concrete ledge with my hands gripped tight around the fence’s rusty spikes. My ear-to-ear smile was evidence that he came through—it was the perfect spot.

Anticipation, which had grown throughout the day, was reaching the climax, so much so the electric energy buzzing through the air almost felt physical. The source emanated from the dome of lights and noise around Sydney Harbour way down in the distance...

Continue reading

It's a collection of humorous travel stories from my first five years of full time travel, shows adventures, misadventures, sticky moments and situations that have somehow led me to keep going. And it's a deep dive into my tangled mind, showing my perception of life and people.

Thank you 😊 enough to pull you in to read the book 😜

My memoir is now published and live on Amazon!

Heya everyone,

I'm so excited to announce my book has been published and is available on Amazon to buy from today in both paperback and eBook formats!

It's been a long journey (ironic as it's a book about my long journey around the world)

If you like reading about travel adventures, discovery, and despair with a humorous twist then this is a great summer read for you.

Sorry for the self-promotion but it's launch day so I'm shouting about it from every social media rooftop (well, my laptop anyways)

Here's a link to the Amazon Uk site but if you're from another country just replace the UK with your country code (.com, .can., .AUS, etc)

If you do decide to purchase the book I hope you thoroughly enjoy the book :D


My book 'Backpacker to Nomad has just been published!Just Published

Heya everyone,

I'm so excited to announce my book has been published and is available on Amazon to buy from today in both paperback and eBook formats!

It's been a long journey (ironic as it's a book about my long journey around the world)

If you like reading about travel adventures, discovery, and despair with a humorous twist then this is a great summer read for you.

Sorry for the self-promotion but it's launch day so I'm shouting about it from every social media rooftop (well, my laptop anyways)

Here's a link to the Amazon Uk site but if you're from another country just replace the UK with your country code (.com, .can., .AUS, etc)

If you do decide to purchase the book I hope you thoroughly enjoy the book :D
