Yeah Levar is in Mr. Rodgers company. You run contrary to these type of people and you’ve just got the whole world twisted.

Deserves it. He’s just everything you want in a footballer, aside from finishing maybe.

He got cleaved in half on an albeit fair tackle in extra time tonight, like properly taken out. Not an iota of protest. Just got up and went back to running all over the fucking place.

Underrated passer as well. If I’m building an 11 and I need an engine in my team, he’s on a short list of players in history that I’d pick.

You intentionally provoke people and then get annoyed when you get an unfavorable reaction. Are you stupid?

Monkey in Space

Hear me out, I can think this video is hilarious and still hate this dipshit.

Runs his bollocks off is why. Relentless player.

You could see the fucking cogs turning in his little head lol

He did essentially secure his son 7 million dollars lol but yeah otherwise totally agree.

Yeah he’s got go-go gadget arms, dude has a 7’3” wingspan 100% fits for him to back Draymond up.

Ingram averaged 20/5/5 on nearly 50% from the field. For a team that severely lacked a consistent 2nd option on offense you could do much worse.

I think we’re going to try and flip Wiggins to the Pelicans for Ingram. They’ve already said they don’t want to pay Ingram more than he’s making now (which is basically a match for Wiggins, but Wiggins has a few more years) so they’ve got basically 0 leverage.

They also don’t need Ingram’s ball handling now that they have Murray and Wiggins is a much better defender than Ingram when he’s interested.

Its a weird fit but if we can get Ingram without losing Kuminga I think that makes us better than giving him up to get Markkanen.



The thing is Ingram doesn’t cost you nearly what Markkanen does imo. The Pelicans have for some reason made it clear they’re not going to pay Ingram.

If you can flip Wiggins and draft capital for Ingram that might be enough. The Pelicans don’t want to pay Ingram more than they are now, but if they can get Wiggins for another few years who makes the same salary as Ingram does currently they might consider it. Wiggins is also a much better fit for them now that they got Murray also. He doesn’t need the ball as much and is a much better defender than Ingram.

Thank you, feel like I’m taking crazy pills around here. Losing Kuminga and Podz for Lauri barely makes us better imo. Not worth those two and the draft capital.

Anyone else just not feel he’s worth it? Trading Kuminga and probably Podz makes us slightly better, but not worth the cost imo.