a lot of people in this world don’t realize we live in a society, and they feel like they can do whatever they want just because they wanna do it.

They realize it. They don't give a flying pig.

These are the same kids in school that didn't care if the whole class was punished, and it got worse when the "no tolerance" policies got enacted.

Billy's being a royal blue whale's penis, but no one can put him in his place. "Don't do that again, Billy," they say over and over. Everyone just rolls their eyes and waits till the next time Billy feels like acting out, to be punished for it yet again.


My hubs and I had a "what if" conversation last night, and it came down to this:

Me: "If I ever [did this thing], I'd appreciate one hard face slap. I'd deserve it."

Him: "You would never [do this thing], and I sure as shit wouldn't slap you, even if you did."

He's the biggest, tallest, most muscular guy I've ever dated, and compared to the other, violent, coward, poorer-statured guys in my past, I've NEVER ONCE felt afraid around him. I have feared all of the others. And obviously left them.

Edit: It was from a movie, and I'm not one for violence of any kind either, hence his reply.

it's clear you aren't interested in the experiences of others.

I love to learn from others within communities that experience whatever they are experiencing. I find it hard to take in a third-party's interpretation, especially when they're some random, anonymous, offensive idiot on the internet (this applies to others, and on other platforms like Youtube).

I do wish you well, regardless of our differences of opinion. :) Have a good day.

I wish you well, and a good day, too.


Would you take a class from some random, anonymous person who is clearly full of crap? Me neither.

I'll keep my learning to accredited and primary sources, thank you.

Post what you want to.

That's pretty much my point. It's more dangerous to drive unpredictably, like swerving for a squirrel, than it is not to.

Projecting, much? People lie without any any reason to lie all the time.

As for your question about continual learning, I'm betting I have more certifications, credentials, and learning-based hobbies than the majority of people shit-posting like you.

My favorite form of hunting is going to a game farm with fowl.

They raise the game and keep the land for you to hunt, and usually have contacts for hunting dog owners to exercise/teach their dogs.

You pay for what you want to hunt/ keep, and they release it onto their land for you.

Bonus if you have some hunting buddies to keep in a line to spread the fields. I go with family.

Lots of walking.

Hunting with dogs where a well trained dog or dogs are set loose to find game and either “tree” them (cougar, bear typically) or drive the animal back towards the hunter (deer).

The legality of using bait or dogs varies from state to state, and sometimes animal to animal. For instance, it’s illegal to hunt bear or cougar with bait or dogs in WA, but legal to bait for deer and elk. Some states it’s illegal to bait for deer and elk, but legal to bait for bears or hunt cougar and bear with dogs.

There's also a lot of controversy over this style of using dogs for hunting, even if it is technically legal.

Most people aren't happy if the dogs wind up on their property.

Just something to keep in mind if you book with a guide.


Great descriptions.


Maybe I'm heartless, but these scams have been going on for decades.

I remember when places stopped taking checks, so I paid like $25 for the lady in front of me just to get my grocery run done faster (lunch break). She didn't say, "thank you," she turned at me and grinned like the greedy animal she was.

The only solice was that she couldn't return anything for money since I paid with cash, but getting saps to pay for your stuff is not a new scam. It's just evolved.

Nowadays, I'd just move to another line. Time be damned.

I have formerly Amish friends.

I don't believe you would hold the same opinions about rape regarding her sons.

I think you have a problem with their religion and culture... which is why my friends are no longer in the community. It has nothing to do with what they wear, especially MASKS.


tell you what I would tell her if she asked how to help her children

Sure. I believe you would rant at this already fearful woman.

And I'd be mortified if you brought up wearing masks as a "control measure", which is what this thread is about, and rightfully protecting everyone, especially a community that may or may not use vaccines.

You guys really are going through such incredible lengths to try to give her the benefit of the doubt lol. That's a good thing, but only if you apply it evenly to people of all identities.

I see a mother trying to protect her children. You see some paranoid cultist oppressing her daughters.

...In a thread about masks. We were talking about masks and you had to take it to a weird, anti-religious, bewilderingly-sexist, armchair-activist standpoint.

I can assure you that the most religious kids make the best targets because they're taught from a young age not to go making a lot of noise about other people's misbehavior.

Would you say the same things if her sons went out wearing traditional Mennonite clothing?

She isn't happy and neither are they

I'm not hearing that from them... so I'll take that particular opinion with a hefty bag of salt...

her decisions are motivated by fear

Maybe rightfully so... You don't know if one or all of them are immunocompromised, and even if they aren't, a mask and loose-fitting, long-sleeved dresses aren't anywhere near the same as Buquas or hazmat suits.

Plus, those dresses are comfortable AF. I've made a few, myself, to wear.

The outfits

Hooooo... OK. They're dresses. I don't even want to know why you think dresses like that are bad for anyone to wear.

are just an expression of her power over them, because it makes her feel like she's in control and "safe".

What planet are you from that parents don't try to protect their children, and why are this mother's efforts considered "controlling"? You know what... don't answer that.

As far as safe? have you heard of the "What Were You Wearing Exhibit"? I encourage you to look it up.


If someone asks me to pay for their groceries, I'm laughing really hard, really loud, in their face. I might even pick up a candy bar and ask them to pay for it for me.

"Go to a fecking food bank. I'm not a charity. I can barely afford my own food budget."

I've hit squirrels, but not speeding up to do so. I'm not slowing or swerving to avoid hitting a pest. Overpopulated tree rats can learn to avoid traffic like the rest of them or earn a Darwin award.

That being said, anything larger than a squirrel is going to mess up my car and probably be protected anyway. Makes more sense to just let them pass.

What a sadistic person to intentionally hit geese. I mean, they're assholes, but I'm not running around town with a baseball bat hitting Karens.

I know this woman who basically lives in fear and she makes her daughters wear masks all the time and dress in long, loose dresses (think Mennonite-style).

I disagree with it because I don't think it's an informed choice and it negatively impacts other people (her children).

Can you elaborate on how you think this negatively affects anyone, including her children?

Am I crazy or do I not see saurkraut or mashed potatoes in the second photo?

What I'm looking at is a slice of (what I would call) ham, another slice of whatever brown stuff is in the first photo below the ham, same orange sauce, and an emaciated half of a baked potato... with cheese?

I'd be angry too, but not because of the pink disc of meat...

Edit: I don't read German, but I'm pretty sure the label says "puree", and forgive me for my crap spelling.

The whole ESA thing is total bullshit. You don't need a cat, otherwise you wouldn't be going to work without it. You think blind people leave their dogs at home when they go out to work?

I don't disagree with your general sentiment toward "fakers", but ESAs and Service Animals are two very different things, and people can use both in different ways depending on their disabilities and situations.

I urge you to look up not only the difference, but also more information and perspectives about each.

As far as OP, yeah, it sounds like whining based on delusion to me, too. Keep the kitty and pay more, or find a cheaper place and try some other mood regulation techniques.


Just go to the FAQ and they tell you that all your information is available via Tik Tok... there's controversy over HIPAA being violated, and information being sold for advertising. Any licensed therapist has to be a total moron to sign up for the lawsuits occuring through this platform, so... good luck.


There are no psychiatrists on staff if that is necessary for prescriptions.

But i dont think either of us wants to do anything but help others. So, all in all, the topic is done.

I agree this was an interesting conversation, that all we want is to help people, and I wish you the best.

Funnily enough, some of the really weird allergies are hard to diagnose as an actual allergy, and for a lot of those people, the allergies aren't taken seriously.

I grew up with a girl/woman who is allergic to citrus, and it took til a few years ago for anyone to take her seriously (and to stop automatically putting lemon/lime wedges in beverages, probably due to prices of fruit).

She and her family knew it, but most of the restaurants they frequented just auto-added citrus to a whole lot of stuff (like fish dishes), regardless of them telling waitstaff to leave it off.

Get your parents to get you an agent. Don't do anything stupid, like drugs, to get ahead, whether or not they tell you to.

You're 4 years away from doing anything on your own. Take care of yourself.