Spring is sprung, the grass is riz. But where or where the birdies iz?

They say the birdies on the wing, but thatโ€™s absurd.

I always thought the wing was on the bird.

so, what do you have for us about your spring? leaf buds? crazy birds flying all over the place really fast? water flowing where water isn't expected? ๐Ÿ˜

The wrath of the whatever

probably not.

The wrath of the whatever

or her certificates of achievement and her photographs?

The wrath of the whatever


hmm interesting points.. i hadn't thought of it that way...

Why would we abandon the man, who has tried to do nothing but good for all of the country, because he was faced with dealing with a firehose of lies and his thoughts were working faster than his mouth ?

yes! this exactly! i hope you say this more in other forums and posts, as well!!

they reffed it like it was a WWE wrestling match only they didn't call any fouls.




junk food


horror movies and books

Didin't Tucker Carlson spend 5 or 8 years with CNN? from 2000? i remember watching him on CNN when i thought CNN was bipartisan and a news organization. it was in the time leading up to Desert Storm after 9/11 that he was big there.. I didn't like him then, either but i didnt know enough about politics to know what was going on there. All i knew was that he wanted to go to war and he could be very nasty about it.

..once he went over to Fox in 2009 he had nothing more to do with PBS or MSNBC which he had also spent some time with.

yeah.. i think CNN got got

Every turn Biden had was to answer a question.. if he called tRump on every time he lied or misrepresented then he (biden) would not have had time to answer the questions on his policies.

we are at a point in the national dialogue where we cannot afford to say anything but the truth.. everything will be taken literally by someone.

Garland has either been threatened with violence or extorted with past behaviour.

This i would not put past tRump himself because during this "debate" tRump threatened the American voter with Bloodshed if the American voter did not vote for him.. bloodshed!

there is this function on reddit that, at the top of the page, tells you how many other subreddits are carrying this article as a post. The subreddit Politics says how many but does not connect to the listing page.

but if you search with the original title you can find the other subreddits where the article is posted.. which is how i found this one.

: )

We are in trouble, folks, big trouble i think. It's like that black mold that grows in a corner in the back of a kitchen cabinet, very hard to find but still as lethal.. and when you do find it, very hard to get rid of... this maga tRump fascist Thing is Black Mold on our country.

oh m g ..my mom worked in a department store where all the transactions got sent up to the cashiers desk through those ... they were wire and you could see the tubes going up and down and hear them lol

ookity ook ook

aha.. looked it up. ..i should try that haha