I didn’t realise you meant the dungeons were the lockout. For some stupid reason I thought you meant death gives you a lockout, then you return to levelling 🙈

So you don’t have to start again when you die? Which was always my understanding of HC.

Is that not ticket only now, most likely sold out?

Racism will never go away. I’m not saying stop fighting it, but it will always be there as long as there is man on this earth.

Ah mate I understand that, time is not my friend unfortunately atm. I think I’m just going to soldier on playing Zandalar.

I’ve never delved into HC if I’m honest but I may have to give it a bash.

I know that Spanish fans black up and are horrendous for monkey chanting.

That’s rich coming from probably the most openly racist country in Europe.

Lewis Hamilton says hi.

Ive been playing on Zandalar for the last month or so. It started off pretty good but it’s absolutely faded now to the point it’s a nightmare getting a low level dungeon group. I even asked in world chat for a guild yesterday and was met with….nothing.

What??? You mean England are not just the only arseholes??? This sub will be bitterly disappointed at seeing that result.

There’s been bigger dickheads than the English 10 times over for the last 20 years.

Been tying to level on here for a few days now and it is just an absolute ghost town. I think I’m finally having to give up on classic as I’m just to far behind on the bigger servers and these “fresh” ones are shit unless you’re happy to level up with just quests.

Portugal might crash out here due to one man’s ego. I feel sorry for Martinez as he’s forbidden from dropping him.

Jealousy, plain and simple pure jealousy.

Bonus point if you can remember what it was called.

Why isn’t Jota in the running to play?

Alliance died a death? I haven’t logged for almost a month and it was bustling.