Oxy Acetylene cutoff torch will also work

Program or Course

The PMC was one of the best self funded education decision I ever took. I'm sorry to hear it is not working out for you, things may have changed. In 2015, it was amazing. Fundamentally changed a lot of soft skills for me, my outlook, and gave me hard PM skills as well.

I did not do the PMP route, as the program head at the time, Mave, and other instructors said they would never hire a PMP unless they did a course like this. They really devalued the PMP. Honestly, if you look at the majority of people with a PMP... the bar is REALLY low. Like... non-existent. Now, I will say, I am writing my PMP later this year only because it is employer paid.

I took the PMC first, red seal second, then blue seal third because of the prior PMC. I used the PMC for my blue seal, even though I already have a degree and a couple diplomas to my name. The blue seal is not widely known or recognized, but those who know, know, and place a lot of value in it. Recognition is growing. For the $50 application fee, do it, it won't hurt.

Plus, finish that PMC. It is HIGHLY regarded in the Edmonton area and Alberta in general. I know I look for it on resumes, but that is strictly my own hiring bias.

Program or Course

This exactly. It seems random.

I lost courses within a few months. I also STILL have access to a few and I finished BTech in 2020.

Yeah, Idaho stop needs to be discussed and allowed more. It's a safety thing.

I'm also a proponent of lane filtering for cyclists and motorcyclists, but not lane splitting, which is what we see the idiots doing.

Thanks, that's exactly what they were SUPPOSED to do, but alas, dealerships are stealerships :(

Collect my money and go elsewhere, for less...

Once I started see factory stickers and torque marks, I figured I got screwed

Those 2 coatings were thrown in "for free" because I did ceramic window and glass with them. Free is always baked in elsewhere and there is no incentive for them to actually do the work.

Setting up an appointment for tomorrow!

The cases come with a converter for old to new, already included in the price.

Likewise, you can get from new to old, but that is a few bucks extra. That'd be if you had the new one on the bike and had an old case.

Program or Course

I'd love to, if it were Microsoft, Survey Monkey, or another form that doesn't appropriate your information as part of the ToS

People cancel often, but they book up again quickly. I find that if they have not cancelled by Friday morning, you aren't getting the weekend.

Some people book the Sat through Monday or further, so their cancellation window is not quite the same as a Friday through Sunday camper. I personally book Sat through Tuesday mostly

My daughter had no complaints and I have never heard of any. Maybe a combination of seat / handlebar height?

Tailgate stick on letters after ceramic coat, will they stick?

Picked up a new '24 last week and had ceramic coat put on. There were some defects in the ceramic, so I painter taped them so they could be found for buffing out. Painters tape would not stick, like at all.

What are the chances the 3M stick on tailgate letters will stick? Id hate to waste the time and money of it's now a no go.

Ft Sask does a great Canada Day, complete with parade

Looks like OP is just a meme shit poster across the whole of Reddit. Throw something somewhere and hope it sticks.

Soome of theise are prettty funny, butt dsturbinhg. AI had a longr way to go sfilk.

Then they shouldn't be ripping through traffic, raising the risk of killing someone else's family member.