Team Buck

I totally forgot NCIS was a spin off of JAG. Used to watch JAG but never got into NCIS.

I’ll never understand that logic. I’m not particularly religious but I have a hard time believing the god they purport to follow would be at all pleased by people actively attempting to harm the world and other people.

So while this sub tends to be very doom and gloom there’s a huge difference between now and then. Thousands of years ago a flood on the shores of the Caspian Sea would have felt world ending to the people living there when it may be only a few square miles. The magnitude of the issues now are much greater as is our understanding of them. I tend to be of the opinion, unlike some here, that our problems could actually be solved if we had the will to do so. Unfortunately we, as a collective, don’t seem to posses that will and unfortunately as well, by the time most people have their come to Jesus moment I think it will be far too late. At least too late to maintain the world or anything like it that we know. And by world I mostly mean our civilization, despite the considerable damage we’re inflicting on the planet something will still be here, even if we’re not.

I’m surprised the Ancients didn’t sents up a system like the gate bridge where rather than connecting directly to Destiny it routed you there. I mean we know that Destiny’s seed ships leave gates in almost a straight line, it’s not all spread out like in the Milky Way or Pegasus so in theory the Stargate network should be able to forward you along. Especially given the fact that that the Destiny type gates are only capable of connecting to nearby gates anyway.

Although now that I’m saying all that it’s possible the Destiny gates just are sophisticated enough to do that. I mean I don’t think they’re even made of naquadah given how easy they are to destroy. Which might be why the don’t have the power to transmit that far.


Yeah I’m not saying there isn’t a danger for underhandedness but my understanding is the House is effectively a new body after every election so I’m not sure why it would matter. If the Democrats truly had a majority I don’t think it would matter what the outgoing Speaker did. If there isn’t a majority then I could see it being more of a problem. Which is why it’s important the democrats win by a decent margin so it cannot be questioned, though unfortunately I have a feeling it’s going to be tight. Unless it’s like what happened in India where they were predicting an overwhelming win for the government but the opposition managed to make huge gains, reducing the government to a plurality.

Edit. Just to add on not swearing in George Santos’ replacement was shitty but it was the middle of a Congress and the Speaker had that ability to delay it. With a whole new Congress I don’t think it’s so easy.


Is that how it works? The outgoing Speaker swears in the new members? Isn’t he not Speaker anymore until voted in after the swearing in?

He’s not going anywhere by choice. I’m almost certain of that, at least not while a Democrat is in office.

They do that to hedge their bets. Can’t be seen to be taken a moral stand or anything because what happens if they person you supported doesn’t win.

It’s really bizarre the attacks on appliance efficiency aren’t even something supported by industry as a far as I can tell. That Trump regulation to allow for less efficient, fast dishwashers wasn’t something industry wanted and they didn’t bother even making any before it was reversed.

Team Buck

That’s part of the problem when he’s up against much more experienced actors it can become a bit more obvious he’s weaker. But again, it’s not bad, it’s just he’s not as experienced. I will say he’s continued to improve but I also don’t think he was like terrible or anything to begin with. In fact I often miss Buck 1.0, he was fun and definitely carrying less stress if a bigger chip.

Team Buck

I don’t feel like it was overacting in those situations. With the fire truck I imagine that would be how I’d react if a fire truck were crushing my leg. As for the well, it would have been much better if they used the opportunity then or shortly after to make it clear how Buck feels about Eddie because it comes off as a hysterical lover trying to reach their beloved, not a best friend desperate to save his best friend. But given what we have learned I think that’s how we were supposed to see it, Fox just wouldn’t let them follow through so in absence of that follow through I could see how it could be seen as overacting.

Team Buck

I mean he’s no Laurence Olivier but he’s good enough for the show he’s on but I don’t think he rises above it. For example, Supernatural, in my opinion Jensen Ackles was far better than the show he was on. Or taking directly from 9-1-1 Angela Bassett is far better than the show.

That being said I think he’s doing a fine job and has improved my biggest complaints are his accent which is mostly fine but it feels too gruff half the time and then the pitch of his voice varies wildly. Like he spoke in a higher register in season 1 and his voice was less gruff but it hasn’t been a straight transition, sometimes he speaks the way he used to before. I think part of it is the fact that by Oliver’s own admission his natural accent is a bit odd because of how and where he grew up so some of that is leaking through the other part is I think he’s trying to speak lower than he would naturally and I think if he just spoke in his normal range while doing an American accent it would better.

The other issue is he tends to overact sometimes, not always, but sometimes. Like even when he came out to Eddie he did this thing with his face and voice when he goes ‘is that… weird?’ and it just felt very odd. There’s other situations like that too but that’s the most recent I can think of, I think they’re getting fewer and fewer though. That being said he can be really good in dramatic scenes too like when he’s panicking trying to dig Eddie out of the mud in Eddie Begins, you feel the raw emotion and hysteria that Buck is feeling and it doesn’t feel over done at all to me.

I mean he also doesn’t have that extensive of a filmography so it makes sense he’d be a bit weaker. I do think he’s continued to improve and the fact that he’s the near universal fan favorite is a testament to that.

My guess to why Eddie didn’t know Tommy was gay is Tommy was at first clearly into Eddie and probably at some point in the first week or so of knowing him realized Eddie had a girlfriend and he currently identified as straight so Tommy accepted the fact that they would be just friends. Had Eddie not been dating Marisol though I have a feeling Tommy would have gone for it. That’s part why I feel like Buck was a consolation for Tommy. Like oh this guy who I thought was into his best friend and that’s why he’s jealous is saying he’s into me, okay he’s hot let’s see what happens. That’s how I think that all played out.

That being said it doesn’t excuse Tommy’s frankly poor attitude half the time but it does explain it to me a little since Tommy wasn’t really into Buck to start with in the first place and I’m still not sure if he actually likes him. Like if they had them break up off screen like Natalia I wouldn’t be surprised, it has never felt that serious to me, especially with how little screen time their relationship was given combined with things people from the show have said equating Tommy to a stepping stone or guide.

I still haven't watched the Very Short Treks, are they that bad?

Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad.

Agree. It's a recent episode and its fun and it has the added benefit of being pretty much the only episode of Discovery that doesn't require you to have watched the episodes before and after it to get the full story.

I hear you but I've always thought of Star Trek II, III, and IV as a unit though II and IV are definitely independently enjoyable but you're missing background info with IV.

I must have seen The Offspring at least two dozen times and I never fail to tear up when Lal is thanking Data for her life.