
You probably can benefit from the Xbox Game Pass trial. Activate that offer and download any game that might interest you. You can play any game in that catalogue for free while the subscription is active.

That’s my tip for anyone new to the console. Just use Game Pass for a month and see what you like/dislike. Much better than going ham on the Store and wasting money on things you might end up disliking.

The games I’ve liked to play the most were EA’s Jedi series, Yakuza/Like a Dragon series, Forza Horizon, Starfield, Mass Effect Trilogy, and Football Manager. All on Game Pass. If you end up liking Yakuza, I highly recommend buying Judgment and Lost Judgment on the Store whenever it goes on sale.

YESSSSS! Best news of the day for sure. Slaf is going to be great next season.

Who’s going to tell him that not only Youtube works better on iOS, but Microsoft native apps on MacOS also work better than their Windows counterparts? I mean, Outlook is native on Mac and a Webview on Windows. 💀

Já era. Me lembra aquela tirinha da festa as brands. O último que apague as luzes.

This game is incredible. Everything I liked about the first game is improved and expanded.



:Bears: Bears

Local government councils are cancer and they should not exist. Bunch of incompetent crooks.

After finishing the latest Diablo 4 season, I uninstalled and decided to play something else on Game Pass. Picked up Jedi Survivor.

It’s a gorgeous game, even on the Series S. Textures go 120p sometimes but it is what it is. Opening with Corcussant was a bold choice and I adored it. Silly me thought the second planet was just going to be Kashyykk 2.0 but it surprised me immensely. Just left “the moon” and I’m back on jungle planet. I burned out a bit because there’s SO MUCH to do in this game, but so far it’s an easy 9/10.

Played Persona 3 Reload also for a couple of hours last night. I’m going in blind after playing Persona 5. It’s very grim and unnecessary hostile, so I’m not super into it. I might keep it going on short sessions and see where this goes.

You have to run away from white orbs that spawn from those blood pools. It’s very easy to miss if you’re not actively looking for them. If you stand still in the same place, those orbs will one shot you before the first platform drops.

MW your gear to 4 and your weapons to 8, it makes a lot of difference. Lilith is not a hard fight if you have a lot of DPS to breeze through P1. You get that from following an OP build and MWing gear. It doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs to be enough.

I killed Uber Lilith Thursday as a solo Dual Wield Bash Barb, no 2GAs, not full resist, not 9200 armor. Only uber was Selig.

It’s only an alpha

It’s only a beta

The game just released, it’s only the first season

This is only S4, wait until S5 (You are here)

They’re working on the next expansion

It’s only an alpha


Don’t try to overcompensate time with effort. All you’re going to do is burn yourself out. Learning takes time and everyone has their own pace. You can, however, compensate effort with money: instead of self-studying, hire a tutor or join a class in AF. If it’s worth the investment, only you can be the judge.

Unless you’re immigrating or moving to a francophone country, the main goal should be to communicate properly. C1/C2 does not matter, in the bigger picture, because you don’t need, nor will you use, a perfect/fluent French to be able to do most things, so don’t make it an initial goal. If you need a TCF/DALF result, then yea, that’s your goal but if you need one of those, chances are you’re immigrating anyway.

My favourite language learning story is the dude from TEXAS that learned French from listening to Canadiens games. It did not happen overnight, he did not have perfect French, but it worked for him regardless. Plus, I’d say he could call into the 91.9 and rant an hour about the Habs easily. That is an A+ in my point of view.


Cool, but I’m not buying anything on Xbox anymore. I was going to buy the D4 expansion this week and upgrade to a Series X, but after sitting on it for a couple of days, I’ve decided to just ride my GPU sub until October and get a PS5 in the Black Friday.

Other than the incredible controller, which I’ll dearly miss, Forza Horizon was the only thing keeping me loyal to the brand and I’m 100% sure it’s hitting PS at some point if the new fucking Doom is a Day 1 game there.

“Oh, but it’s going to be full price when you could play it for free* with GPU!” and so on… who cares? I’ll pick it up whenever it goes on sale.

Lastly, 0 chance Sony ports games to Xbox. You’re all out of your mind thinking they would not only trade that huge advantage over Xbox for a minuscule base, but also spend the time and money to adapt games for the Series S. It’s never going to happen, stop with the copium.

It’s the same in /r/french. Mods need to temp-ban people that don’t use search/wiki for constantly asked questions imo.

Games with great stories: Yakuza games, Jedi Fallen Order, Mass Effect (if you do a 1-3 run, make sure you do everything in all games to get a good ending in 3)

Live service games worth your time: Forza Horizon, Diablo 4 (after this last update, it’s really fun)

Highly addictive games totally worth some years of your life: Football Manager, Slay the Spire

I mean in the nicest way possible, but is this your first foreign language? I’d say most people are being sarcastic because we all asked that once and we eventually accepted the weirdness of each language for what it is and moved on.

Hint: things might seem weird and stupid now, but mostly because you don’t grasp their concepts.

Once you get over that, you’ll start wondering why your mother tongue doesn’t have all the nice features other languages have and vice-versa.

People that trade and RMT love tempering because they can always buy another item on trade. People that play SSF hate tempering because getting an item as good as one bricked can take weeks.

System is shit and those pretending it isn’t are in for a rude awakening when it changes, to which they’ll swiftly react by saying they always hated tempering.

I bricked a 1GA perfect 2h mace and I turned off my Xbox for the night, I can’t imagine bricking 2 3GAs in a row.

This needs to change. There’s already an RNG element in tempering itself: not only picking the correct affix between a group but also rolling it high. The tempering limit is just rubbing salt in the wound; it’s unnecessary and detrimental to the player experience.

If you still play LoL in 2024, you deserve this and much worse. We’re almost a decade into the “milking the addicts” phase, please move on to better games.