agreed. there's a massive difference between someone like Tokyo and Rust Academy.

alone in Tokyo is basically the only one I watch anymore. are all of his videos scripted? Definitely not. are some? well...I think there's a blurred line between scripted and assisted.

how many times is he going to kill a naked with an inventory full of sulfur or HQM or whatever material he needed at the moment?

or find that 2x1 with just one door and a naked inside sleeping with an inventory full of rockets.

The assisting nor the scripting bothers me, because the videos are great and he is clearly a great PVP and great builder and a talented content creator.

if that's what you wanna tell yourself, then sure. but everyone else could see you were butt hurt.

damn, you still really butt hurt about everyone dogging on you cuz you were acting like a petulant child. I love the show and hope you keep replying to everyone and pretending you're right. it's fun to watch.

it depends on who you talk shit about and if you would talk shit to their face.

for example: I know a guy Kevin that I graduated with. his sister is my wife's best friend. Kevin is the biggest piece of shit I've ever met and he regularly does awful things to his sister like stealing medicine from her bathroom and lying about fake medical treatments to ask for free money.

I talk shit about him constantly. technically, it's behind his back, but that only because he blocked me on both of his Facebook accounts and block my phone number because I was talking shit directly to him and he didn't like a taste of his own medicine.

does that make me a piece of shit too? yeah maybe, I don't mind that, but I think there's some wiggle room. my point is, some people deserve to get shit talked, and it's an appropriate way to vent.

just watched that episode last night

I use snapcaptions and it's awesome. spend the 4 minutes it takes to watch the video and install and you'll save yourself hours of time.

Jesus she saw the sticker from across the store and was so triggered she came running over to harass you up close.

I wish a boomer would do that to me. I just got the Insta360 Go 3s mini 4k and I want a fun youtube video.

yeah it would be a standard popcorn bucket, but it would have a detachable hanging dong you could fill with butter and occasionally "milk it" to butter your popcorn throughout the movie so you don't have to miss any of the action scenes

"its not a crazy story...actually it's sort of a SMART story"

that's a raise. if he just tossed out one chip without announcing anything, that's a call. he tossed out two. that's a raise

OBS. add both cameras. expand the canvas from 1920x1080 to 3840x1080. now you can add both 1080 cameras side by side.

only record audio from one camera (if the 2nd camera is a document camera there is no need for separate audio)

Now you have a single video file where both cameras are recorded in sync. no plugins needed. and if you wanted to clean it up in post you can edit it easily.

yeah I was wondering if someone there confirmed that he gave the bounty chip back after the stream ended.

It's just odd, go re-watch a few hands when it was down to the final four. he's chip leader by a mile but every single hand he asks a smaller chip stack for a count before making his move.

Then when it's heads up, he suddenly shorts the pot "by accident". and not just a small amount. 5 million!!! leaving him with just over 6 million after the correction.

Its hard to believe that someone with such a determined mind to ask for chip counts on every hand would accidently short the pot like that.

Maybe I just want to hate the guy because his laugh was annoying as hell. but I'd bet money he didn't give up his bounty chip unless someone chased him down and asked for it and he pulled the "oh did I accidently out it in my pocket, my bad, here"

yeah I hope that is the case, but with his non stop hyena laugh and shorting the stack earlier, it just made me think the worst. I'm not accusing him of anything nefarious, just wondering if anyone else thought the same way.

I've never heard of that. and I saw the other players at the final table give up their bounty chip when they got knocked out

Did Nakanishi just steal his own bounty after losing the final hand of the $10k Super Turbo Bounty to Funaro?WSOP

Nakanishi also shorted the pot five million chips two hands earlier when he doubled up Funaro. Funaro counted it, called the floor and asked to check the cameras.

Then when Funaro wins the very last hand for the bracelet, I watched on the livestream, Nakanishi picks up his bounty chip and offers it to Funaro. He notices that Funaro is holding the braclet for the photo op, ducks down, grips his bounty chip tighter, and walks away.

Did anyone else notice this? Maybe there's something I missed but it sure as hell looks like he kept his own bounty chip after he got knocked out.