I despise driving through it. The roads are in horrible disrepair, and the drivers are undoubtedly more dangerous weaving through traffic. The speed in which development is going on it seems like there's no plan or guidance to keep the town from looking like a hodgepodge of building going up with no regard towards aesthetics. This applies more to the commercial aspect of development, but the huge increase in residential building shouldnt be cast aside. All in all, Lakewood doesn't know what to do with itself, and construction overall has outpaced the ability to provide and maintain infrastructure.... that's why. Has nothing to do with crime, I never made mention of it, however they do have their fair share. Stop looking for inference that isn't there.

I bavent lagged, but there has been an increase in desync and animations get wonky in higher action areas.

Stokes and a loonnnggg 3:1 would make quick work of it. The stokes spans multiple steps, creating an upward slide without jarring if you haul slow with attendants walking up with the patient.

Apparently, ranch dressing is an unknown to most of UK. Hook him up with a ranch salad or chicken bacon ranch sandwich.

More time tryna score with the peasant bitches (or knights idk).... I like your style.

Just because there are no rules prohibiting actions like that, it doesn't make it less effective. It's taking up a dispensable asset just for your own convenience. It doesn't contribute to the greater good taking a horse out of play.

In the narrow throat of the bridge where you can't break through (which isn't the whole segment of the round, you can stay busy finishing people that drop off in the moat of the ones attempting to flank around the back side of the bridge.

You own (soon owned) a c8 like a lot of us... you own property like a lot of us...why would we want to ask you anything? Which is why this post is pretty lame.

There are reasonable efforts that could lump Lakewood into central NJ....that aside, Lakewood over Camden for South Jersey?

Also, do not let this comment downplay the dumpster fire that is Lakewood and more recently surrounding towns.

That's pretty funny. My neighbors have two tesla and opted for the cringey "haha gas" type vanity plates.

I didn't grow up poor, but my parents' cooking sucked and sometimes there was just cooked unsauced spaghetti or unseasoned ground beef cooked because "it was gonna go bad". I love cooking now, but im the only one in my family that will eat days of leftovers because I hate putting in all that work to cook, and half of it goes to waste.

The world wide fight for ad revenue has done wonders for me spending less time browsing. I could use some more outdoor time. Push for more and lose people like me all together.

Weird hill to die on (literally) but ok.

If your team isn't helping, he's next, regardless as long as the enemy saw them. Looks like they were cordially welcoming each other after you died. Either for a distinguished fight, or some emote'n. Something tells me other guy knows how to fight, and wanted to watch the 1v1 and be next.

I sometimes respect a good match if I come across it. I even feel cheap fighting the opponent if my teammate loses because it's another 1v1 and his health is compromised. No hard/fast rules, just case by case basis. You running towards him was weak. Fight like a man if he's not coming to help.

Not all tolls have toll collectors. You need exact change if that's the route you're going. You can search the toll costs and plan accordingly with change

That sounds expensive for one client...then again I don't have clients visiting my location. So for him, funny and creative, but still deceitful. Social media drives my business so I can see the allure for other people like me.

Devil's advocate: SOME people see follower count as a sign of legitimacy, or rather the page itself looks good, but they want to have additional assurance that others follow as a sign that they are doing something right. This obviously does not take into account that a good portion of people know followers can be bought, but it's the other ones they are targeting that false sense of acceptance among other people.

That said I don't buy followers. I'm a huge fan of organic social media growth. You put good products out and have half a decent social media presence and it will grow itself.

I get it. By the time I was shuttling from one league to the next, they were old enough to eat responsibly (middle school). We're still in the glorified taxi stage, and I don't want to do it anymore. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜† I know tome is fleeting, however, and these are the last few years we get to be needed. That's all o have left keeping us going.

Brave for OP to make such comparisons given how shit the cosmetics were in this game.

It's a team effort. You are not capping the objective solo. You're wasting an asset that has limited availability that someone that CAN make use of it while you and the remainder of the team push the objective. You're like the fools in shooters that use jets and helis as a glorified taxi just to get where YOU want to faster, and waste the assets spawn. It's selfish, and counterproductive for your team as a whole.