Looks like you walked in on a lover's spat :D

Cool, I know the first one but not the second, will try them out

Melbourne (Australia Zone3)

There are natural weed killers. Boiling water, vinegar (sprayed on the leaves) also work well. Those grassy weeds don't look too hard to pull out by hand either? If you're planning to plant something, you'll probably need to turn over the soil anyway

My parents and my upbringing. So many people are not as fortunate and get a bad start

Melbourne (Australia Zone3)

Please don't buy roundup or any glyphosate based weed killers. Glyphosate itself is nasty for you and the environment, plus the surfactant they use is also toxic

Nice ones! I did that recently and got two newish coins, which were nice but not as unique as these

People Of Earth. Very few people have heard of it (probably why it was cancelled lol), but it was a really underrated comedy

Nice one! Now, buy another so technically you will have a stack :D

I love the intersection of fields, for eg history and linguistics, or metallurgy, botany, history and geography, and so on

Tell me you're a woman without telling me :D

Yes, very possible. The richest drug lords aren't the most public, nor do we have a way to measure their wealth

I would guess Aldi has only one brand, whereas Coles and Woolies would carry 2-3 brands and one might be cheaper

In my experience, most people know the bad things about their own country even better than outsiders

Celebrity spotted! ;)