Well the Tories have a choice, they can swing to the centre and try and regain that ground. Or they try and keep going right, in which case it makes sense, it's still mental and would permanently destroy the party as a serious political force, so I wouldn't discount it.

World wide web, and Reddit a servers are hosted in Ireland, so technically it's an Irish website with an American head office.

Totally not for tax reasons I'm sure.

Well I assumed they were from the UK when they said "we were changing prime ministers".

I don't expect people outside of the UK to know, but pretty much every household in the country got enough political leaflets through the door in the last month to save on toilet paper for the rest of the year.

I'm sorry but people know that you are trans, you are not passing people are just polite.

I was litterially actively trying to pick the least controversial thing I could think of, because I'm more.interest in how you even have a conversation about the issue if you are policing the language like that

There must be conversations where you have to refer to trans women and what I would refer to as biological women and I'm interested in what your nomenclature would be.

I'm assume you voted libdems as the if you feel strongly about this? I did as well fyi, for different reasons but still, I want to point out I don't really feel strongly about this and am not trying to make any kinda point.

Well that or the one on the far right

So how would you phrase the sentence "trans women and biological women should both be allowed to play in the same golf tournament"

Well take it up with biological women then, starmer isn't one and perhaps it's not is place to speak for them.

Saying biological women should have their own spaces and privacy is not transphobic and most trans women would agree.

This is culture war BS.

This is true. It's also the first time the right has actually been split, the centre and left have been split between multiple parties... Well for all of my lifetime.

They are generally also broadcasting to radio so they have to give much more of a play by play "x passes to y" blaablaablaa.

It's also a lot longer, strategy is generally discussed in an after match discussion for football.

We depends what work with means. I don't think we should attach ourselves to reform, they can argue and we can but ideal not together.

But we should be working with labour on other domestic policies.

True but it being it into the zeitgeist, and there are about 4 million voters who are currently scratching their heads and not understanding why they got less representation than we did.

We are more a multi party government than ever right now.

So while we should be working together with labour, whenever they bring up 'trust in politics' which is important we should be pushing this. Then perhaps next election we will see

There will be a lot of noise about it now, good time to push, weirdly we actually got what we would have underPR.

Eh this is pretty Standard, Jacob Rees mogg had to sit next to a guy with a baked bean balaclava


.. yes but one leads to a full democracy eventually and the other to North Korea.

Just a London town house. London town houses are big mind, given originally they expected to house a couple of staff and a family,most are split into flats now, but not an entire seat of government.

We work together with labour, and we push for electoral reform.

Imma just keep the monty pythons "splitter" sketch at my finger tips.

Still the Tories have shown they are currently more than willing to copy the lefts tendency to split.

What's interesting on the centre left and left is that people forget the left has always been split. Libdems, labour, greens, SNP. This is the first time the right has been split.

Starmer does seem very strong regarding holding the party together, and every speech included some reference to "a changed labour party" he was hammering that one home.