It’s amazing to me the way that New Zealand, not just this film company, came together to gift us this cinematic opus.

What other people choose to do with their bodies bothers some people to a creepy extent.

Correct. I don’t like the way this sub makes us look. I wish there was a megathread for whining.

She had me until the second half where she pathologized miscreant behavior as the result of class consciousness.

Though really I just came to say that these haircuts are whack and they are going regret the photos in 10 years.

Then, and stay with me here, her comment wasn’t about you.

There is a wave of parenting that disregards the expertise of school professionals and promotes parents to the ultimate authority on all topics pertaining to their child.

Disrespect for teachers aside, the arrogance it takes to think that you have all the answers and need no others destroyed this family utterly and can destroy yours too- let stories like these be (royal) your warning.

Makes sense. Our missiles are scary and effective and they have it coming given Russia can stop lobbing their own at civilians.

I think the slang is particularly entrenched because it means exactly nothing.

Chadwick Boneman

Yes, the voting thing is weird, but remember: they are idiots.

when the students have truly accomplished something…

This is the kind of jaded shit I cannot stand.

This is not true, though I understand your perspective.

First of all. Native groups have set aside funds in trust to manage the upkeep of these sites, and in many cases are waiting for the go ahead to begin doing that work. In other numerous cases, members of native cultures work WITH the governing agencies to manage these places. Additionally, the state is in process of taking on some of the burden of that management as well as UNESCO which has deemed one of the sites a world heritage site.

The UNESCO site had a carnival on it for many years before it came under management of the state for anthropological and preservation purposes.

Golf courses are going to make use of the space in ways that benefit the golfers, in the same ways that the carnival managed the land to benefit their business.

Additionally, golf courses are a completely ridiculous allocation of land, and if we are to have them, I think reasonable minds can understand the disrespect that native groups might feel over having a wasteful colonizer’s game played on top of sacred sites- especially those as impressive as earthworks.

I think you are right to be conflicted, our desire to manage these places in perpetuity SHOULD run up against the reality of such efforts running aground and fading away due to interest/money. It’s a very real concern.

Chadwick Boneman

If they weren’t cowards and keyboard warriors, I’d take them more seriously, but manlings with delusions of persecution are only here to whine.

Being loud stupid is an important part of their identity, and I think it was inconsiderate of this woman to go in there to try to educate them.

“It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going, because they were holding on to something. That there is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for.”

The perfect encapsulation of this story, delivered perfectly by a great actor.

Wine is similar. If you see a wine around 92/93 points it’s drinkable to decent. Truly great winemakers don’t rely on wine spectator to sell cases for them, and they are not the big names you see in the grocery store. Points are arbitrary and awarded by industry organizations to boost sales in their industry, and based upon who was nicest to them. Much like video games. And the Oscars.

So what you do is you jump in a minute into the game without them knowing and just start clowning on them kids. That way no one wins.

I don’t see no ZMS on this comic. Dibs. Hand me the keys to your patreon.

Okay. So it’s a strategem where the eagle buzzes over you real low, and drops colored smoke behind it and launches fireworks. For managed democracy!