I was thinking about doing this with a green 5th gen casing, good job.

Same here, I was completely uninterested in the news going on with the third movie. I know people are excited about disney at least giving attention to tron, but knowing disney in the current era, they will try to remove everything that was established before for the sake of a quick buck, but everything seems to be headed towards it being a failure with how much Leto is involved.

Almost all the songs from this album have not been played live since their perspective tours, I doubt they would do anything to acknowledge their existence.

I agree. There was a lot of interesting discussions being critical of the girls comments, which was the reason why I joined but the constant ad hominems and name calling went way too far and was borderline misogynistic. If another sub were to emerge, it would need better rules. As for the other subs, I think removing the 'negativity' completely was not the best move, as a lot of the critical comments had some valid points and were not bashing the girls. There needs to be both sides.

I'm glad someone covered this song! One of my favorites

Thought this would be cool to share, I’m a fan of Linkin Park, and I stumbled upon this picture, I believe Talinda modeled for playboy before.

I really like their chemistry together, it seemed like they were three best friends

It reminds me of the fake artificial strawberry flavor they had in cafeterias.

PB PhotographersGirls Next Door

Is there any drama/information on photographers that worked on the magazine? I heard tidbits on here that some used their position to sleep with playmates, and jealousy, which intrigued me to learn more about them, I always found their role in PB interesting as we don't really hear much about their involvement in the company compared to others, I'm imagining there would have to be interesting stories.

Hot chocolate in these cups were always better tasting

Is this still for sale, i would love to purchase through mercari!

A Celebration, Hawkmoon 269, Some Days are Better Than Others, Kite

I think whenever they went to chicago, new york, Anastasia's birthday, etc.

Like a narcissist, I believe he only talked about himself all the time, he didn't care about what the girls had to say other than them being interested or agreeing. I don't think he knew anything about the girls.

That's what I love about the show. I loved them all at the show, it really looked like they were friends enjoying life together.

I'm getting tired with this drama... It feels unnecessary.

I would like to have her as a guest to the podcast, I’ve heard she was going to leave because she was bullied by the twins when testing for playmate.

Same, I keep seeing the endless appreciation for Pop (it’s a solid album, but it’s tiring) and people saying it’s underrated but all I see is everyone talking about it. Zooropa imo is more underrated in the fanbase. It’s getting to the point where I think it’s an overrated album.