true. in my hometown it’s 37 degrees now & my friend wishes she was here in Glasgow, while I wish to go somewhere warmer for a week or so (said I and bought tickets to Dublin xD)

I remember coming to Glasgow for the first time. My immediate thought was ‘oh so my city is not the dirtiest’ but everything else except that is amazing, especially people are so nice! I think you should not feel embarrassed for other people behaviour. Just look after yourself and one day later on, everyone will do the same (I still remember what my friend told me when I was a kid: “I don’t dump garbage all around, because it’s like shitting in your pants — no one wants to live drowned in shit.” strange phrase and bad translation, pardon me, but that stopped me from dumping even the tiniest pieces of paper, so everything starts from you). I hope one day everyone will understand it

It depends on what you want to do and what’s easier for you. if you have friends who have graphic tablets, you can ask to borrow it or come and try using for a bit xD

I heard that the ones with a screen are good and I might agree (cuz I’m more a traditional artist who wants to see the line just underneath my pen), but personally they are so expensive and big. might not be an option if you’re on a budget or move from one place to another a lot. simple graphic tablets without a screen are good in my opinion, so as the start you might look into them (plus they are cheaper, so even if later on you realise that you’re not into digital art, you will not regret buying it anyway)

speaking of brands, I’m aware only of wacom and huion. bunch of my friends and my university are using wacom tablet, considered one of the best on the market. personally, I’m not a fan of them, that’s why I’ve got a huion one. I bought it ages ago from aliexpress and to be honest, the quality is really good, this little baby still works and is fine to me! but you should look into official websites or somewhere like amazon to make sure you’re getting a good product with warranty (cuz buying technics from shitholes like aliexpress or shein is a russian roulette)

lastly, not a graphic tablet but might be good for you — iPad with apple pencil. this one will be more expensive than a graphic tablet, but to be fair you will be able to not only draw but do lots of other stuff. and if you are into drawing from nature somewhere in the park, iPad is better than taking a whole laptop and graphic tablet. plus in my opinion iPad is a good investment, because I used to download bunch of books for school on my iPad and take it to the school instead of taking a 5 kg backpack (take care of your health!).

that’s basically everything. you might also look into ‘top good graphic tablets for digital art’ on youtube and then look into their characteristics to choose the best one for you. wish you luck with your digital art <3

I saw a few litter boxes in City Centre where someone has added stickers to make “people make Glasgow dirty” kind of funny (but sad)

I think it depends on the comments? personally, I love replying to the comments I get, but most of them are short like “good work, thank you!” to which I can only reply “thanks for reading!” it kind of makes me feel uncomfortable, cuz I don’t want to sound like a bot that replies the same thing to everyone, but it’s better than ignoring I think 🤷🏻‍♀️

the other thing is long comments, where people say what they liked and noticed or where they give you some advices as a experienced authors. these are nice and you have a ‘ground’ that you can use to write a good reply. I personally wrote a few comments that can beat my essays and course works xD these are great as for author (cuz they see that people love their works) and for reader if they receive a reply from author

if I wrote a huge comment, I don’t expect but really would like to receive a reply from author, cuz I like interacting with people. if I see that an author doesn’t interact with their readers, I might just hit kudos and leave (the only exceptions if the work is really good and I really want to leave a comment)

to sum up, it’s always an authors choice if they want to reply to their fans or not, but I personally want them to reply and I’m always replying to my comments as well. if they don’t — it’s totally fine

wait for a bit until it heals, maybe you’ll like the result more than what you can see now then, if still not, you can get a sleeve tattoo from more ‘soft’ details if it makes sense. like getting some flowers and leaves, that wouldn’t be so thick and coloured as your star. it will help you distract the view from the star tattoo, to the entire arm. you can even try adding more similar stars, but smaller and not on the entire forearm, just a few around the big star. it all depends on your preferences and choice (but personally I think this star is cool)

🇺🇦🇷🇺N | 🇬🇧C1 | 🇵🇱A1-A2

I’ve been looking for this comment ✋🏻 same here

‘Running On Air’ by eveventy7. it’s a drarry fic, but the way it’s written makes me wish this story was published into a physical book

summary: Draco went missing 3 years ago. Harry got his case to investigate what happened, and with every new memory he falls in love harder.

I really LOVE this story for how perfect it is and for how much author’s soul and love are visible. once you start reading, you cannot stop. almost every page hits too close to home and makes you want to crawl (but relax, not in a bad way. check the tags yourself, so I wouldn’t spoiler anything here) someone might laugh, but I’ve got two tattoos with quotes from this story. but once you read that, you’ll understand why there are so many fans of this story

then why would you defend something that you didn’t experienced lol

russians get way too offended by the truth 🤷🏻‍♀️

I like both. but if you want to keep an old building in focus, then second one would be better as you’ve cropped a ‘modern’ building and mcdonalds. in the first one viewer will look at the bicycle first, then on the top, and then on the rest of the picture, while on the second viewer will look at the building, then cars and lastly sky

thanks! my course includes using Unity for our games, but I felt that I’m kind of bad in coding, so I was looking for tutorials that would explain like “we write this line because it’s basic start, then # because # etc”

ну ні, я написала про свій досвід перебування в ру фандомах та на фікбуке з росіянами, а ти прийшов одразу з «завали ебало». таким чином, ти їх захищав. не зрозумій мене неправильно, але якби ти читав уважніше, ти б побачив «most of» тобто НЕ ВСІ, що логічно. але таке сліпе освітлення «хароших рускіх» нічим хорошим не закінчиться, бо так можна сказати, що не всі погані: є мільйон хороших, десять мільйонів, сотня, і раптом всі хороші. один тобі скаже, що він проти війни, а потім напише коментар під постом про Харків «дааа ебаште хохлов ура!!». хочеш завершення цього циклу, щоб до нас більше не приходили «братья» — відмовляйся від російського. єдине, що ми отримали від них, це ненависть до всього живого та агресія на кожне слово.

тобто я правильно розумію, що ти приходиш на реддіт та захищаєш людей, чия країна напала на ТВОЮ країну, їх же мовою? через них ти або твої близькі можуть померти у будь-який момент, але ти продовжуєш підлизуватись русні. у тебе все гаразд з головою?

опа, конч ущемився) не хвилює, шо ти тоді як мінімум другий довбойоб після отого в пості?) як же я угараю з таких, як ви. повертайся скоріше додому в чорному пакеті 💖

it depends yeah. but surprisingly, most of the time they are mean to other russian speakers, I’ve noticed that in totally different fandoms and just social media. if people read in English and on ao3 only, they develop the same attitude towards others (e.g being kind and polite). I don’t remember seeing anything extremely rude on ao3 (except the OP post, but once again, it’s not written in English but russian)

the most common thing that people usually recommend is not sleeping for a day or two, and then go to sleep at like 10 pm. personally for me it worked a few times, but not now tho.

another thing that worked for me is circumstances. I lived with a family with kids for a few days, and all of them were going to sleep really early (like 9-10 pm) so my maximum was 11 pm. then, we all woke up at 7 am (cuz they had school) and all that noise woke me up as well. it was a nice time, but then I fucked my schedule by not sleeping in the airport xD but maybe having someone wake you up regularly can help, as well as going to sleep at the same time if you live with someone (friend, partner, parents etc.)

other things are keeping your room dark and quiet. wouldn’t work if you have noisy neighbours, but you can try blinding curtains (I hope it’s correct name) and earplugs if it’s your thing. I find it hard to fall asleep when the moon is too bright or my neighbours have a party at 2 am, but things I listed above might help

also, you can try to avoid using your phone/PC 1 hour before going to bed and do some self-care routine or journaling instead. and remember not to eat anything about 3-4 hours before going to bed, even light snacks. personally for me — I cannot do this, but I heard some people tried this and it really helped them, so maybe it’ll help you as well

lastly, if none of this works, try getting an appointment with your doctor to see if he can help. maybe he will prescribe you some medications that will help you fix your schedule (cuz if it’s making you depressed, then it’s a serious problem and a doctor might help)

I want to add that you should not go too hard on yourself for not being able to fall asleep early immediately. you lived by this schedule for more than a month, so it wouldn’t suddenly fix overnight (only if “don’t sleep for 2 days” will help you). I wish you good luck with fixing your sleeping schedule!

:Ukraine:Stand With Ukraine:Ukraine:

finally someone saying the truth. idk why people downvoting you, but I’ve got the same reaction when I called russian rude and toxic because they fucking ARE rude and toxic

delete apps that distract you way too much. I tried it with deleting insta and it not only helped with screen time, but also a self-esteem (cuz apparently you see all these people on ig living a life while you’re sitting on a coach and start getting all these thoughts about how bad you are)

but I have to be honest. deleting insta actually helped, but now I waste my time on reddit and random games like league of legends or solitaire. I stay off twitter only because I have a screen time limit of 40 mins everyday. I wish I could delete all social media and and games to finally go and do something for myself but it’s really hard 🤷🏻‍♀️

actually, I don’t think there are exact apps for beginners or pros, you just choose what you like the most! just for example, I know a lot people love sai and sai2, but personally they are not for me. I went for a Photoshop instead, even though I find it quite hard even for pros xD if you have an iPad, procreate would be amazing, but if you’re looking for something for free, try ibis paint and iArtbook, I like them both

agree. and they try to defend themselves that “they’re supportive under this post” while misleading with their translation

it’s a 50/50 answer. I agree that a chance of them not knowing English is higher, so they used a translator. but I also think they might know English and that’s why they left a bookmark in their native, assuming the author will not translate what they said (tho they addressed their words “to author”)

to be fair, you should have visited f*cbook at least once in your life, which means that you definitely saw the manner russians talk to other people and how rare they support other. you can find my reply offensive and start downvoting it but it’s simply a fact that everybody know 🤷🏻‍♀️ try not to shame your entire nation so maybe people will think better of you


typical russian reaction to anything they don’t like. I remember writing for their audience a while ago and holy shit it was awful. most of the time you get rude criticism or just slurs about you being bad writer 🙄 google translation is almost accurate except last word. it’s not ‘auto ru,’ but ‘for author’ so they definitely wanted you to see their reaction without leaving a comment below your work

I personally think it’s stupid as fuck and I don’t understand people like the one who lest a bookmark. you’ve literally listed all possible TWs and said that you’re open to constructive criticism but here we go. sorry but I’m really annoyed with the fact that those ‘human beings’ can use internet and interact with other people