I think he missed the part where they say it's people who know what they're doing who are supposed to be doing this

The herd of kids "mineminemine"

HAHA I was thinking it but didn't wanna say it. I already had some stupid guy pray for me to 'heal me from my autism'. Alrighty then


I got mine to shrivel up.

I've never watched an episode of The Office

Mine gave me permission to start for my license again after being seizure free for a year. I didn't feel good about it because I know my seizures can be very unpredictable, sometimes nothing for months on end and then suddenly a bunch in a few weeks. Not too long after he traveled me the green light I had the worst seizure I'd ever had 🥲 it would be incredibly dangerous for me to drive a car. Can't believe this man told me it would be fine.

seek medical attention from your vet.

Agree. Asap

I hadn't even seen that second picture yet. Oh my gosh.

I was going to advice a collar with the attached donut as well. They're good anyway but especially for a situation like this.

Yeah, closer he'll get his ass whooped but if he backs out he'll probably get a beating too. At least that's what my 20plus years with cats taught me :33947: I hope he got out ok though lol

Oh yeah, he made a bigggg mistake approaching main orange's food

What do you expect from a pug

He should just record himself grunting, he's pretty good at it.