In my 20s with my husband, it was daily (he averaged like 3 nuts a session) for the first 1.5years. (We started trying to conceive right before our 2nd anniversary, and I was pregnant on our 2nd anniversary). We both have a high libido. He categorized me as an insatiable nymph. He's a beast in bed & almost never only cums once per session. I think his record was like 7-8 nuts in a day. Lol. In our 20s, sessions lasted at least 90min but frequently broke 2 hours. Looking back now, we're definitely NOT normal. Lol. Btw he was in his 30s when I was in my 20s. That was before we had children together.

After kids? I'd say 3 sessions per week was our normal. It ebbs and flows over time depending on how life was going. Sometimes, there are a lot more and other times less.

"NORMAL" is very subjective.

...runs to sniff husband's armpit... I ❤️ the smell of pheromones on my husband when he forgets deodorant. It is definitely otherworldly and erotic.

Bet she asks him for money, too. She's definitely taking advantage and getting something out of him... why else only hang out with him alone 🤔

I might have to steal this method. My oldest is starting HS next month. Seems like an easy way to deal with it. 🤣 I also have 3 sons to deal with in a few years. They're still sweet and (semi) innocent. 🫠

You need to dig deeper and make sure he hasn't been molesting Julia.

I did not mean for the font to be bigger or bold. Stupid phone.

1: 20yo (2009)
2: 22yo (2011)
3: 27yo (2016)
4: 29yo (2018)
5: month before I turned 35yo (Jan 2024) Final baby

After thoughts: I would have waited to have my 1st two kids. I was way too young and didn't have the means to raise babies. Picked the wrong guy to procreate with. I didn't actually "pick" though cuz they were both careless accidents on our part. We had no money, jobs, or careers. We were so damn clueless and unprepared. He was an unsupportive loser. Welfare, food stamps, homelessness, domestic violence, evictions, pge shut off, and a lot more. It wasn't fun or enjoyable at all. So, yeah, their early years (including baby days) are very tainted, skewed, vague/distant memories... cuz I was in survival mode the entire time.

3-5 are with my husband. Night and day difference!!! Only thing I'd change is I would have had #5 sooner BUT that is only because my personal health is BAD. If I wasn't a type 2 diabetic with chronic hypertension (and faaaaat), the pregnancy would have been a lot easier. It was ridiculously hard on my body. I won't get into the specifics cuz I don't wanna give anyone nightmares. But that's due to me not taking care of my health (mostly weight), so if you're healthy for the most part, then it is not an issue. Many people have kids in their late 30s, so it's not a big deal at all.

Btw I love my age gaps. I never desired having kids close in age. They're (soon to be) 15yo, 13yo, 8yo, 6yo, and 5 month old. I am able to enjoy them individually, and their siblings have always been great helpers. My oldest two are girls, so they love the baby/toddler stage with their brothers.

Btw my husband turns 42yo in August. We have a 7yr age gap. He doesn't seem to mind. He started in his 30s with me having kids. So, he never had any young, so nothing to compare to. Although, he is DONE after this baby. Lol. Vasectomy booked for Aug. Our 1st together was planned, but the following two were happy little accidents that were very much wanted. He always knew I wanted 5 kids, but we hadn't agreed on when. So, we were tracking my cycles to avoid my ovulation periods. #4-5 were slip ups on our part with the calendar, but we weren't completely against getting pregnant. I'm also done after this nightmare pregnancy. My body is done! If my health was good I probably would have slipped in #6 in 2-3yrs, so my little guy has a built-in bestie like his siblings.

At the end of the day.... I think what matters most is your (and your husband's) health & the ability to raise kids in a good home where finances and stability are not an issue. Basically, have your life together.

A lot of the time... that's what people need. Validation and confirmation of what they already know deep inside but are too afraid to do. Most people are terrified of divorce for one reason or another. It is a monumental life changing decision, so most stay out of fear of change/starting over.

I wish I had people in my life who told me to leave while I was with my ex. I was too fucking scared and doubted myself a lot. Most are full of self-doubt because they have no self-worth or self-esteem left.

-Have an area where people can lay down (lots of pillows, rug/mat, blankets -Sound machine -Music station (chromebook/radio with headphones) -Sensory station (play dough/slime, Legos, sand, etc) -Personal tent ⛺️ (for those that want to be alone) -Art station -Weighted vest -Reading zone with floor seating -Lots of flexible seating

They wouldn't be my child anymore. They can be electrocuted. I'd be doing the world a favor. It's the whole I brought them into the world, so I'll take them out kinda thing.

Violent criminal? Ughhhhh bye 👋 I'm not picking my violent child.

You'll regret marrying him if you do. Marry someone who rocks your world in and outta bed. Bad sex=Bad marriage. Sex matters. Don't believe people who tell you otherwise. He has small dick insecurities plus shitty sex game... I doubt you'll be able to train him or "help" him.

  1. Don't marry a man that doesn't fuck you right. Sex matters unless you're asexual.

  2. Tie him to the bed AND use him exactly how you want. Then do unexpected, nonconsenting butt stuff on his ass. Payback is a bitch.

Leave. Find you a nice younger woman (30-35yo) who is interested in settling down and having kids. Maybe even consider a woman who may already have a young child and is interested in having more. Ditch the cunt wife. The greatest revenge is happiness... don't waste any more time in a dead marriage.

Nah, she needs a high-pressure washer...

  1. Watching my children grow up into adulthood (all their milestones and 1sts)
  2. Being a grandparent
  3. Growing old and enjoying my husband

It's funny how must of us would likely miss the most mundane stuff.... the very thing that makes us human.

I think your sister got pregnant on purpose. She knew exactly what she was doing....and is just mad she didn't get what she wanted in the end. And your parents are legit Aholes.

I don't see how any of this ends well and y'all happily together.

You will forever feel inadequate, insecure, and wondering if he is looking elsewhere... and it will eat away at you so badly you'll be resentful and paranoid. You'll start to worry that he'll cheat.... and so many other things.

You shouldn't have to live THAT way. Ever. Your husband should 100% accept your body for what it is & only build your confidence and reassure you that you're the only one for him (especially sexually/physically).

Always. We were teens & each other's 1st everything. His mother died unexpectedly & he and his siblings were shipped off 3000 miles away to live with a relative they never met. I look back fondly on our time together, but I don't miss it. We grew into entirely different people, and he married a man.

This was my 1st thought, too, before considering the mental health piece...

Do not move and live separately, even temporarily. Your husband is putting up a lot of red flags right now. He will likely spiral worse living apart! He may even be using the getting a studio thing as a lead into how the baby is better off without him and etc. Don't play into it unless you're prepared to lose him to the darkness. I'd be scared to leave him on his own. It could turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy type of ordeal. If this is truly a mental health crisis, then you need to stay by his side no matter how difficult, even if it means living in a studio temporarily with baby!

I've had my husband say the same thing (repeatedly), and he took off one night drunk on foot with the intentions of killing himself. Cops couldn't find him. I had to wait until our 4 kids were asleep to slip out and search for him. I found him covered in vomit and piss & unconscious in a park. Firefighters had to come and lift his lifeless looking body onto a stretcher cuz the EMTs couldn't move him. He woke the next day in the hospital & was told he could have died if I never found him that cold winter night. My husband has A LOT of demons, trauma, abandonment issues, addiction, and depression... so I get it.

Now is not the time to live apart regardless of the benefits. He's likely just having a mental breakdown over his own shit and becoming a dad.

Side note: I'd be afraid living apart will also cause a bonding issue between him and the baby, too.