Yeah 100%, in my head I included that in the “partnership agreements etc” because I didn’t want to overload people who are already not familiar with equity based compensation.

Aside from athletes, the real money for executives and financiers is often from equity, either stock options or partnership agreements etc. Some will get 8 figures of cash income from salary + bonus though, for sure.

/u/econman seems like a pseudo-intellectual who takes contrarian stances so he can sniff his own farts, so I’m going to ignore him.

It’s a little bit cool if the people getting fucked over are casinos and / or illegal bookmakers, since they’re inherently pretty scummy and predatory.

Bob Casey? Well-liked longtime PA senator, not in his 70s. Is up for re-election this year though, so idk if you want to risk the incumbency on that seat.

“I’ve never heard of whitmer, but having known you a short while Kamala, I’d also vote for whitmer. And again I’ve never even heard of her.”

You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West.

You know... morons.

The accelerating descent into attempted fascism doesn’t bother you at all?

That’s fair, didn’t realize he was that old. I’m certainly not trying to draft him to the ticket by any means. I included him as an example of the types of people who I think a) would be competitive with Trump come November, and b) aren’t holding a potential 2025 senate majority together with their bare hands.

I agree with all of this, which is I why I think he should step off the ticket. The debate showed that, at the very least, the appearance of decline is greater than the administration and campaign led us to believe, which greatly hurts his electability.

I don’t see a reason to believe, however, that prior to the debate and its subsequent reactions and polling, that the Biden camp had any reason to believe that he was not the best candidate to beat Trump. That’s why I won’t ascribe the term “evil” to Biden, vis a vis the real evil we actually face.

It seems to me like you’re forgetting the knots people twisted themselves into in 2016 to explain away the ludicrous things Trump said at the time. Or attributed positions to him that he never said. He was an unknown political entity at the time, and did not have a history of ideology. People said he’d do this that or the other thing, often contradictory, because there was no history.

I’m quibbling over calling Biden evil here. If we agree that he’s a good person, will staff himself with good people, will nominate good people, and genuinely thinks he is the best shot to beat Trump and save us from Project 2025 and descent into fascism… then whence cometh the evil?

You’re not really picking lesser of two evils. Yes it’s shitty if he’s been hiding his decline. But at least he’s surrounding himself with people who support and further his agenda. You’re voting for democrats in the cabinet, you’re voting for liberal SCOTUS and other federal judicial nominees.

Not just “usually”, you actually can’t have both people on the ticket from the same state.

I agree. I like Newsom but he does look and act like the “coastal elite” repubs love to deride.

I think if Dems are looking to replace Biden you need to look at Whitmer, Shapiro, Beshear, hell even Joe Manchin (don’t hate me). If they decide to replace him, you need midwestern bonafides, blue leaders from purple (or red) states, to get people who (I can’t imagine how but here we are) are still undecided.

I’d say Tammy Baldwin or Sherrod brown or John tester are too valuable in their senate seats at the moment to be considered. And I think pritzker is great but IL / Chicago is solidly blue, and I’m kinda over having billionaires be in charge for a bit.

I dont love Joe manchin but I’d take him in a heartbeat (hopefully with a more bonafide liberal VP pick) over another Trump admin.

Not being heard of might be an advantage at this point. Just like Trump in 16, potential voters can ascribe whatever values they want to an unknown entity.

I would agree. As would he (since he originally named his jet “the indefensible” and later changed it to “the indispensable”). And that’s the point. He spends when it makes sense, he doesn’t sit on cash forever and do nothing with it, like have a $7mm house with no furniture like the other commenter said. He’s not miserly for the sake of holding onto money forever, he’s careful and practical.

Reading the rest of this thread you’d think that enjoyment would actually be considered a negative, and that spending any money before you die is frowned upon.