I ate two meals per day and two double protein shakes (50g per shake) per day. Generally first meal at noon, first protein shake at 2ish, workout from 4-5 pm, second meal around 6:30, final protein shake around 8:30/9 pm. I aimed for about 1800-2000 calories per day, 180-200g protein. I tracked my food/protein intake using the LoseIt app on my phone - weighed and logged everything that I ate/drank. I've always gained weight off of relatively few calories, but eating this many put me up to the 180s within about 3 months, and then stopped gaining and stuck around 185 +- 5 lbs.

I didn't eat breakfast just because I'm never hungry in the morning. If I eat breakfast, I always feel sick/bloated/weird for the whole day.

As far as what I drank - protein shakes (4 servings per day, split between 2 shakes), lots of water, Coke Zero.

Supplements - all I took was creatine monohydrate, protein, multivitamin, and fish oil.

Like I said, I gained most of the weight within about 3 months, then over the most recent 2 months have been maintaining approximately the same weight but recomping some fat into muscle.

Ty, much appreciated! That's the plan :D

Beginner - Strength

It just confused me bc from what I've seen other people say this is too much, but I've gotten great results from running a schedule like this the past 3 months. Bench has gone from 130 to 195, hacksquats increased by 100 lbs, etc.

Idk i just do whatever feels fun at the moment bc I think that's the only way I'll stick with it, if that makes sense.

Beginner - Strength

Is this too much for 1 full upper body day? All were 3x10 except bench, it was 5x5.

Bench press

Lat pulls


Shoulder press

Chest press

Chest flies

Delt flies

Preacher curls

Triceps extension

Dumbell curls

Lat raises

Front raises

Dumbell bench press

Shoulder shrugs

Bw: 188.1lb. Height 5'10. Been lifting 3.5 months, eating ~180g protein per day, 1800 calories.

Beginner - Strength

Is this too much for one day? Everything is 3x10 except bench, that was 5x5

Bench press Lat pulls Rows Shoulder press Chest press Chest flies Delta flies Preacher curls Triceps extension Dumbell curls Lat raises Front raises Dumbell bench press Shoulder shrugs

Best Cases?

Hey y'all! I recently ordered the OnePlus Open and should be receiving it this week. I was wondering though - what cases would y'all recommend? Ideally, I'd like 3 recommendations:

1) Top Safety Case
2) Top Style Case
3) Balanced Case

If anyone here could fill me in, I'd greatly appreciate it!

I'm sorry :( I know you won't believe it right now, but I'm sure you're going to look stunning in your dress. Not sure if it is a wedding dress or bridesmaid or just casual attendant, but you'll look awesome.

I've been actively bulking for about 3 months. I accidentally let myself get up to 150 lbs, then decided I was healthier and felt better with a little more weight. Then I started intentionally bulking for the last 3 months.

That makes sense. I fluctuate wildly, sometimes feeling good about myself, sometimes feeling terrible. Though I suspect that has something to do with my bipolar disorder as well.

I've stopped trying to fix it as well, but that gnawing feeling/compulsion to try just won't go away :/ maybe some day I'll reach a point of zen indifference lol.

Do you ever stop hating your body? SpoilerTW: Numbers

So I've always had a history of disordered eating. From eating way too much (super obese, ) to eating way too little (self diagnosed anorexic, ), and have finally settled on what I think is a healthy-ish weight(at 5'11).

Most people have told me this is a decent weight for me, I think the lowest I'd be willing to go would be a little less but not much. However, I haven't stopped hating my body. All I see when I look in the mirror is fat, disgusting, grossness staring back at me. In photos, all I can see are fat rolls.

I KNOW this should be a healthy weight for me, I know everyone has said I look healthier. But when I look at pictures of me at my smallest, I feel the most happy. I still feel like that should be my goal, even though everyone told me I looked frail and sickly.

Does the self hate ever stop? Will I ever like my body? Am I just ruined for life?

Do you ever stop hating your body?Question

So I've always had a history of disordered eating. From eating way too much (super obese) to eating way too little (self diagnosed anorexic), and have finally settled on what I think is a healthy-ish weight.

Most people have told me this is a decent weight for me, I think the lowest I'd be willing to go would be a little less but not much. However, I haven't stopped hating my body. All I see when I look in the mirror is fat, disgusting, grossness staring back at me. In photos, all I can see are fat rolls.

I KNOW this should be a healthy weight for me, I know everyone has said I look healthier. But when I look at pictures of me at my smallest, I feel the most happy. I still feel like that should be my goal, even though everyone told me I looked frail and sickly.

Does the self hate ever stop? Will I ever like my body? Am I just ruined for life?

Not sure, bloodwork didn't show that.

I'm getting a vasectomy in a couple of weeks, so idc about fertility. I've got two kids, I'm done lol

It was around noon after as good a night's sleep as I can get. I had another one about a year ago, that one was in the 320s. I've maintained a healthy diet and exercise regiment for a few years now, but just reintroduced weight lifting due to an injury for a while.

Ive had 2 tests, one came back around 325, the other mentioned in the post. Hopefully it'll work well for me!

[NS] My vasectomy appointment is June 8th. I'll be celebrating by attending the June 9th live show in Atlanta!Big Dad Energy

I thought it was a funny overlap; celebrating my inability to father more children by attending dungeons and daddies, lol. Let's hope they've got softish seats and don't mind me bringing some frozen peas in :P

250lbs lost

Thanks! I also added a recent set of pictures, so if you could check them and see if you think it's fat or muscle I'd appreciate it.

I'm probably not going to cut any gym time, it's also my wife and I having together time, so I love it :P