Prickly is the best word I’ve heard to describe my sentiment, especially in the first trimester- and like you I also prefer few questions so I’m good with it

Respectfully, you say you cant afford a lawyer but the alternative of your mom living on the streets is much worse of the two options. At the end of the day, there may not be a perfect solution, but I would much rather accumulate some legal debt than sit with the stress of my parent(s) being homeless.

AGREED. Going up to 3x/4x or a size 24 is barely inclusive enough to be “plus size”

1000%. I’m doing a 3D ultrasound tomorrow (Sunday). My OB doesn’t even open on sat-sun

Fluffy teeth and a tongue coated in sweet residue, no thank you

I feel bad for that cup. I bet it rarely gets washed and with the variety of beverages it hosts… yuck

Ohh I love to hear this too! My husband was put on this earth to be a girl dad- he’s been a phenomenal uncle to his nieces and nephews. I’m sure your husband is the same! There’s so much to be excited for- this is my first and I’m real eager to meet her! I so appreciate all your words and input, thank you!

Accounting + finance. Rigid af, they take forever to respond (or ask my team) to external inquiries. Any sort of innovation, even positive stuff that would allow them to not work weekends during month close are balked it. Drives me nuts!

I’d love to see fingers and toes!! Thank you. I’m trying to emotionally prepare for it to take some time. I’m hoping holding her (we know the gender) will make it “real” for me. If not that’s ok, like you said. My husband is over the moon with excitement, enough to fill a room- and that gives me peace!

I also snagged a good deal on a car after that storm! I will be driving it into the ground (2014 CX-9) and the hail damage on the roof isn’t visible from my height, nor does the damage alongside the rims of the windows bother me

All of this is super helpful- I’m 32 weeks today and have wanted to get a 3D- with all these comments in mind, I booked it for Sunday! We’ll see if baby cooperates- if not that’s ok, I’m honestly excited to see any part of baby in 3D. I’ve struggled to connect with baby during this pregnancy and I’m hoping this will help! 🤞🤞

Was gonna say something similar! “You’ll love the new drop”

Totally agree. She looks radiant and carries herself with confidence- I’ve enjoyed seeing her this season

This is my question as well- my employer is saying that the STD and FAMLI have to run concurrently, which is so confusing to me, as it means I get only 12 weeks max/16 w/ complications vs. 18 weeks.

This is helpful to know, thank you! I am due in 8 weeks and have spent very little time in a hospital setting- I'm anxious about spending the night, possibly multiple in the hospital. Knowing I can try to advocate for myself ROCKS

At some point, your "one year ago" video is more like 16-18 months ago. IDK why I expected her to stop putting her "postpartum" self out there as a starting point- she'll be milking that for next handful of years!

I know it stinks when your plans change unexpectedly! It’s so important for baby to have a healthy place to grow- look at this experience as you taking care of yourself and preparing to host a baby the best you can. I hope you’re able to start healing ASAP!

Being able to do my current job not from LA or NY would be the dream. Fully remote is the way

Belleview station is technically in the city of Denver- I think their bar is open a few nights a week and also has live music and is pet friendly. I enjoyed reading alone with a drink many times! Great atmosphere

Right?? I don't need 9 shots of anything