Farage probably to dismantle the devolved parliaments

Budge, Bay Bay!

I know JJ always got shit based on Cornettes "never drew a dime" comment.

Glad he's getting some face heat at the moment as I've always liked him. I liked country JJ, I liked slapnuts JJ, I liked NWO JJ, I never watched TNA, but I've loved his role since he came to AEW.

He's always entertaining and solid in the ring. Just a proper pro.

Budge, Bay Bay!

I'm fucking buzzing for Eminem Vs B&B at All In. 🤣

But seriously I had goosebumps when Britts music hit last night. I really hope we get them at All In. It'll be my first time actually seeing MM live but she's been a favourite since her NXT days. This is gonna be awesome.

Maybe he should fuck off and live there then. He does have a European passport.

Ah. That's a shame. What's the problem though? I've paid for the content, I just want to watch it without a live internet connection. Most other streaming services let you do that nowadays.

Hey. Could you DM me how you do this? I'm gonna be on a cruise for a couple of weeks and would love to have some AEW to watch while I'm away.

Sorry but he's absolutely spot on and this is the reason that I personally can't stand the England football team.

John Mcginn said exactly the same in an interview a couple of weeks back.

Christ, watch Rio Ferdinand the other day tell Cesc Fabregas who was teammates with Lampard, Terry, Henry, Xavi, Iniesta, Busquets and fucking Messi, that he's never played with a player as good as Jude Bellingham.

Budge, Bay Bay!

Johnny Gargano, it's basically the same answer.

Budge, Bay Bay!

The Big Show required a huge chair for an enormous ass


Budge, Bay Bay!

Maybe not, but doing CATC actually at a castle with the backdrop of the castle is surely a pretty big incentive? The footage they would get would be used for decades.

Budge, Bay Bay!

I know it's fucking stupid, but it's exactly what Jericho needed if he was gonna stick around. I want to be a branch of the learning tree.

Budge, Bay Bay!

Honestly seems harsh but I'm pretty glad. Both the Hardys are just so far past it. The nostalgia's great 'til they hit the ring and one of them can't walk and the other can't bump safely and then gets a DUI on the way home.

I saw The Who a decade ago. The tickets were pricey but what I would expect to pay. But now you're paying similar prices for a band with 1 album and no reputation.

New World Order - such a great name. Poised to change the industry and who even remembers them today!

Seriously though, The Wolfpack would make a decent Stable name but its too synonymous with NWO.

Budge, Bay Bay!

The roster of NXT was absolutely sick at this point.