What if the warrior has large breasts? Just uncomfortably flatten them?

This is absolutely the one movie that made me feel animation could be more

God, these people. Get a life.

The first Jurassic Park should be full... Who did this?

I realize babies are kinda ugly early in life but my cousin, who doesn't have the best track record for her young adult years birthed a Cherub. The baby came out picture perfect, freaked me out a little.


Yes it is. I just made a joke someone got offended by. As They tend to do these days.

The sensitivity of your post is the sensitivity you feel about your own body situation. I look like a twink at 40 but I'm hairy in the wrong places. Don't think I don't know about the struggle. It was a joke you sensitive boy who hates simple humor.


Wow you read into that more than I meant. I just like men with natural hair and you read me "pointing fingers at non existent pedophiles"... Ick, get a sense of humor

This isn't 2005. Keep your man hair on your body. Trim maybe. If someone needs a 11 year old hairless man when he's mid 30's see a therapist

Judging by those toe nails I'm sure that hanger smells and tastes like gasoline and neglect

No. Be like the rest of us gay kids and do it in your room in a mirror or for your family.

The last one looks great

Not at all. Salacilic acid or accutane might help. I struggled with oily skin.

That is a beautiful dick

I will forever have an issue with someone that can't lipsynch correctly

Took my father to see this movie. We both got motion sickness headaches

Picture 6 is fuckin fire

Yeah that clip always baffled my brother and I