If you ever end up doing anything like that, then that's who You're going to need as your lawyer.

Always breaks my heart man, I mean that's so traumatising.

He really showed some good class there, I didn't watch many games of him but this guy is just freaking legend at this point, wishing him a good time ahead.

Having a deep understanding of the region's history, culture, and geopolitical dynamics, alongside combat experience, undoubtedly gives him a multifaceted advantage. This comprehensive perspective allows him to navigate complex situations and make informed decisions that consider both tactical and strategic aspects.

Yep, because He's not getting a good one from them for sure.

I mean it is just how the market works and you are going to feel that way no question about that but.

The reality is if you look over all of it then you will realise that artificial intelligence is very important.

Did you also invest there? Please explain what is the difference between stock and investment.

Cats have a really good life, all they do is sleep, eat, and play. I hope I'm just like a cat lol.

I really wish like they are going to help them in some more other way, so that this problem could end soon.

This was completely poor attention seeking only nothing more than that.

They won the game they deserve the celebration in every possible way

There are so many other places in the house where he can sleep now

And the definition of therapy is for me is to ride motorcycles.

And with money I can buy new motorcycles and I can ride them I think that is kind of happiness for me.

The key points which one just needs to remember though in order to make things the best for everyone

I am not really thinking about the retirement plan yet on them

I have never seen someone that happy that emotional for a peach. That shows the cost of the war how it can change someone. I hope he never faced that again

Hmm..I'm very sad on what happened in Ukraine before..And this is all about Russian false..

It's still the same, it's run on the blood and the whole body. You have to make sure that everything you would it is always been healthy

Imagine earnings would be much more higher than the old company. She has to be more consistent on what she's doing, choosing the best among the best.