So are we all still against expanding the court...?

He wants to dismantle the EPA. Not exactly a great talking point. Of course he dodged it and everything else. He running for the benefit of oligarchs. His policies are all specifically to put money in the pockets of the wealthy because he knows he'll get a cut. His policies are horrific for the county and really the world and nationally unpopular. He can't say them out loud. It's why GOP hasn't had publicly known policies in a decade.

If Trump was saying anything of meaning at all he would have struggled too. Don't forget it's easier to lie than to have ideas and facts. Yeah Biden is old but he had knowledge and policy. Trump only sounded more confident because he was just making everything up. He didn't have to remember 100 bullet points. We all know he couldn't. And he didn't talk about his policies at all probably because his actual ideas on policy, if he has any, are reprehensible. All he had to do was say whatever garbage was floating around on his id.

Sure. But also spreading the same bullshit all over Europe. Already helped weaken the EU with a misinformation / racially motivated Brexit campaign. He's working to reshape the world into hateful, puritanical assholes and using money hording billionaires' greed to fund and facilitate it all.

OP, did you know you can just take a 2 week course and learn how to pilot hot air balloons?

Just saying there's a lot of very cool stuff you have the time and money to do now. Be there to support your wife and kids but you need to learn how to live some of that life for yourself.

I also kinda assume this is what empty nesting feels like. Maybe look at how people deal with that? Could help. I think it's about learning how to live for yourself after living for others, be it your kids, or your students, or your wife. Give it time.

Missing a few key words here... you know, such as: "purposefully" and "to commit election fraud"

Why are all these fake ass skits coming from the same fake ass "news" site.

There isn't a mandatory minimum prison sentence and the maximum is only 4 years. He'll likely get a fine and probation. We'll know for sure July 11th.

My thought exactly. It looks like a skit make for tiktok. Downvote all these fake ass things into the ground.

Because this is nothing but a living tiktok. Looks staged as hell.

This all just looks like a skit. Same with that weird Father Theresa guy. Like just some noise to pull our attentions. Just looks fake as shit.

Sentencing on July 11th! Mark your calendars.

We'll find out on July 11th. That's when the judge will determine the sentence.

Had this happen to me the last time I stayed in a chain hotel. Also reset it. Just assumed the guests before me set it like that to be dicks. Not sure why any business would do that. It doesn't make sense.

News Flash! The far right that has always existed will continue to exist!

A woman that stole $5k from me and then ditched me 8 states away from my home.

Sex was incredible though.

Trump Gets His Rant Interrupted by a Reporter Shouting 'Where's Melania?' and He Doesn't Look Happy About It

ummm... He was done speaking and out of the corridor already. Why do liberals have to blow smoke up each others asses too? Leave that noise to the GOP. It's not helpful.

Same dude will share a Facebook post about how dumb younger generations are for not knowing how a rotary phone works or what a cassette tape is.

Same. I'm a 40+ y/o man and am exactly like this granny. My wife and I have two cats. One of them is just referred to as the grey one. It's always, "What is that dumb grey one doing now!?" etc etc. "Eh, just put that garbage grey one out in the trash where she belongs." But I specifically picked her and she is my little baby in reality. She asks to be nestled in my beard while 'miring me. It's really sickening. She is a terrible cat though. Ugh. And so loud and demanding.