How can it be ignorant and intentional at the same time? 🤔

I just wish the ones that didn't believe in medication weren't so judgy and pushy. I love my sponsor to death, he has become family to me pretty much, but goddamn he thinks every mental illness can be cured by the steps alone. Like mfer you don't even know what anxiety and depression are or can be. I'm glad you won the genetic lottery and don't need psych meds to function sober, but please quit hinting that I should come off my meds.


Vitamin B1/thiamine is big for memory recovery. Chronic alcohol abuse limits your body's ability to absorb it from food during active alcoholism. At least that's what my psych doc says. Seems to be backed up in that one of my rehabs prescribed it to all patients.

There is another vitamin she said was super important for memory support as well but I can't remember it atm.

Anyways I found taking a daily multivitamin and a B Complex tablet daily covers my bases. It seems like my memory has improved since starting them but who knows if that's placebo or what

Losing the fear of financial insecurity when you're broke. It's easy for a guy running his own successful business or sitting happy in retirement say this particular promise has comes true.

Thank you so much for this perspective! And I seems kind of crazy to catastrophize over getting drunk one night (as long as it doesn't go further) when I have been sober for 200+ days before that.

Yeah, I understand the purpose of the chips, but to someone that has gone back out, it's almost just a monthly reminder that you failed. But then it's not really failing if I can use it as a learning experience to help others. It's all about perspective I guess.

Anyways thanks for your perspective, and kind words/encouragement!!

You're absolutely right. I was being willfully ignorant because I was having a bad day, though that's no excuse. While I don't agree with the political reasons the military is often used, I do agree that we 100% must have a well-equipped, well-trained military that can defend us.

I hear ya, that is a good point. I have heard that recruiters in general are extremely aggressive bc it ups their payday. Meanwhile at the receiving end is an impressionable kid facing adulthood without a fully developed brain (no shade lol). So that's definitely fucked up. My response was incredibly naive and narrow-minded. Thanks for pointing that out in a non hostile way

You're right. I was being a dick that day and projecting and I agree with you. Apologies to the military peeps that read my post, for real

I know I am late to reply, but thank you for this response. I like it so much I am saving it for future use when my overthinking gets me to doubting this program and my HP

Thanks for your encouragement and kind words :) I will definitely share about it tonight!

Slipped last night and threw 8 months away

Edit: to those who have responded or will respond, y'all have no idea how much you are helping me get through this shitty day. Thank you all so much

tldr; I fucked up and need to vent. Sponsor is not a coddler to people that choose to drink.

Staying at my parents' house by myself while they are on vacation, and they left a box of wine on the counter. I have seen that same box a million times, but I was cleaning up the kitchen last night and it caught my eye on a weird way, starting calling my name, and the obsession activated, just like that. Thirty minutes later, I was taking my first sip. I wanted to call my sponsor but it felt somehow impossible. I felt powerless.

I haven't had hardly any trouble staying sober for the most part this past 8 months. Been around people with alcohol many times with no difficulty. The obsession seemed to be truly gone, until it wasn't.

I say that, but I think I "emotionally relapsed" weeks ago, if I was ever truly emotionally sober to begin with. But my subconscious or higher power or whatever started throwing up red flags and I began to wonder if I was headed for a relapse..

I will say my program has not been a priority for a long time. Been skipping a lot of meetings, not working 10 and 11 like I should. Been a long time since I made an amends. So that's maybe the culprit, I dunno.

I filled up the glass at 6:30 this morning and would be drink right now except my stomach was torn up from last night still and I started projectile vomiting immediately. It feels like maybe I have a chance to just pick myself up and stay sober from this point. I know I am powerless as soon as that alcohol touches my lips. I got way drunker than I wanted to last night, had to call in to work this morning (job where I am already on thin ice), and like I said would have been drunk as of early this morning had I been physically able to consume the alcohol.

I am in a state of despair, shame, and hopelessness right now. I don't want to keep drinking so I suppose I am trying to deal with these feelings. I think I'm gonna hop on a Zoom meeting here in a bit and then go to an in person meeting tonight and pick up a desire chip.

Fuck. If you read this far, thank you.

Riiight. Our military lost Vietnam and Korea, destabilized Iraq creating ISIS, and (after bin Laden dead) did fuck all in Afghanistan for 15 years. The last time soldiers did anything so we could have a comfy life was weakening Al Qaeda and WW2. Now they may think that's what they are over there doing all the other times.

Also pretending that the vast majority of people don't enlist for self-serving reasons. They are perfectly allowed to do that, but don't tell me you enlisted to make my life better when it was for the paycheck and education/career opportunities. Or worse when you just wanted to go on crazy desert adventures and live out a Call of Duty fantasy and kill people.

Jack isn't unintuitive imo. If you listen to other podcasters interview him, I feel he makes it pretty clear he is skeptical of the paranormal happenings of the stories at times. He was even skeptical of Wendy at first iirc (even after getting a reading and interviewing her initially). Like I just listened to The Miracle Child and while I do think that family experiences things, I feel like Jack was skeptical of the involvement of the Christian influence, but true to the pod, the episode became about why this guy claims atheism when so many seemingly miraculous things have happened around him.

Tea has a miniscule amount of caffeine and can be counted as water.