After the unification war, this will be the symbol of humanity and we will carry this to the far edges of the galaxy.


I always like it when characters find time to apply make up when absolutely horrifying shit is happening around them. Adds to the realism.


I will hang this up my wall and no one in the universe, expect maybe Henry Cavill in a bathtub, can stop me from doing so!

I love that fur! Veeery dark brown head, brown body. Have never seen something like that before!

Why not just use them both and see for yourself?

DNF lets you switch between them in groups. On a vanilla Fedora Workstation setup, a KDE installation is a "dnf in @KDE" away. You don't necessarily need to change the display manager, but that's also easy as pie. You'll just have to "systemctl disable gdm" and then "systemctl enable sddm" to enable SDDM instead of GDM on your next boot.

Try KDE for a week, see for yourself. If you don't like it, you can always remove it completely from your system. Not all desktop environments is for everyone, you can just find the one you like to use. And it boils down to how you use your OS and DE, rather than these DEs coming with some mostly subjective pros and cons.

So, see for yourself!

Some programs might no be available on that group installation, so you might want to manually install gwenview, okular and kwrite.

In her defense, that flag looks perfectly edible.

You need to get yourself checked immediately and you need to talk to a professional about what happened. This will have dire consequences down the road, both physically and mentally.

Please go talk to a physician and tell them exactly what happened. Please seek counselling.

That was the right thing to do in the face of such abomination.

Curious. Does the growth have an effect on heart or certain hormones? How does this affect skeletal mass?

World of Warcraft, including private servers like Ascension, work fine on Wine/Proton. Although, Ascension Launcher might have problems out of the box, but Battle.Net have been working on Linux for a decade.

I play GW2 and TESO. Have been playing TESO for the past couple of days on my Deck. GW2 have worked on Linux just fine, like forever. Same goes for practically all MMORPGs.

I've read the first line as "I've been playing this game since I was 7 years old and now I'm 35 years old" which made me actually go into thinking when Skyrim was released.


Operating systems generally solve different problems. No Linux distribution can substitute for Windows, neither can Windows substitute for Linux.

But we can work with what we're looking for here.

  • Gaming is pretty much the same. Certain games with 3rd party software that requires Windows probably won't work.
  • If you're using Nvidia, looking up about your card's driver issues is a good practice. Desktop oriented distributions generally offer detection and installation of your drivers, and unless you have very specific and newest hardware, you probably don't need the latest kernel either. So sticking with a stable distribution (which means an OS that doesn't change much) can be beneficial.
  • There is no local solution that will replace Office. But Office 365 as a web service can and will work. So is Google Docs.
  • NAS isn't my area of expertise, I'm sorry.
  • I believe this (banking to be specific) can be treated a Chrome problem. Most distributions have Chrome packaged - or Google has Chrome .deb or .rpm available on their website. Not sure about a proprietary solution for banking systems.
  • Will have to look for the specific modding software's availability or performance on Linux. I've only used Workshop, MO2 and Vortex on Linux so far, have no idea about other software - or unarchivers and archivers. Could be hit or miss.

Overall, if you're new to the scene, you might want to consider something like Mint or Ubuntu for testing out the waters. They have excellent software support, drivers are detected and installed automatically if you desire, Steam and Chrome are both available.

The progress of this little weirdo is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen on Reddit.

Thank you, humanperson!

On server anticheat is quite effective and not as intrusive.

You don't stop cheating. You make cheating less appealing. Some games by design create a mindset that allows to be exploited by the possibility of cheating. All of those games are "lifestyle games" that are designed to be addictions. That's why they can market the idea of an anticheat that is intrusive by design and it does eliminate some aspects of cheating.

Except it doesn't. Especially with shooting games, peripheral cheating and specialised hardware can very well workaround kernel level anticheat, rendering it useless.

You could say, it's a market that creates the problem and provides a solution.

On the other hand, you have server side anticheat solutions that work fine. Pattern recognition and suspicious activity in statistical machine learning does help. You are mostly trying to prune the outliers, to eliminate false positives. You don't need to develop a driver for user's computer, you just have to be very effective about your monitoring, and consider the user reports.

Overall, it's not about solving a problem. It's about not solving your problem.

Transistor is my absolute favourite video game of all time. Bastion is a fantastic game if you like Hades. Pyre is something different, but you can easily get lost in it.

Overall, Supergiant Games is one company that I can trust will publish a great title.

Literally came here to post this. Was just playing Hades a few hours back.

In fact, I have the entire Supergiant library installed the day I got my Deck. Love all of their games, and they're super smooth on most modern systems.

I'm going to assume this is a real post:

I think you need actual friends.

This isn't healthy behaviour by any definition. You don't owe anything to people on the internet. You also don't have to play video games on a desktop, laptop, console or handheld. You can just do whatever makes you happy, and move on with your life.

You really need friends and you really need to speak to someone about your validation seek. That's not a cup you want to fill, and you won't be able to. Nobody can.