I buy wards and couriers and the occasional skin. Your rolls will continue to be shit until you have 0 candies because they want you to spend money on candies.

Another post with three good rolls at 0 candies. It's not a conspiracy guys. 0 candies is garu teed to give you better rolls.

I use it all the time in my skirt steak marinade! Works wonders

Dude the crownfall story and content have been so good!

Well I'm on a low sodium diet so olive loaf is out but personally I have always been about turkey baby. Good turkey though from a deli never the prepacked.

Hey I just got a deck as well and I'm kind of interested in trying out some emulators for the Mario and Pokemon games. Can you recommend the best one? Or the safest rather? I just got this and I need it to last me at least through my surgery recovering time.

Come to Northern California! You can make a years salary driving a water tender for 3 months if you are willing to work long hours across the state. I have a friend who does it and he cleared 580,000 two years ago year pre tax from June to October. Worked every fire in the state that he could.

House keeper. Costs me 150 bi weekly to get my house thoroughly cleaned. Like scrubbed top to bottom. Every three months I pay them 300 and they move the furniture to clean under it and do the windows.

I'm working the evac shelter tonight. Hurray 115 and fires!

Eh they are super vulnerable so unless your other eldein has incredible defensive capabilities that's always a risk.

I don't really get how people missed the point of the season but I also don't get why people worship at Sydney's feet like she is the end all be all infallible second coming of Christ.

Lol you're a fucking idiot. They are not offering less than McDonald's for people who are in patient care. Nurses at enloe make well over 100k a year after their probation period. The average salary for nurses at Enloe is $58.05. Doctors just go up from there. You might be referring to janitorial staff or clerical which can make into the low 20s but that's not factoring in the stability and benefits that McDonald's employees will never see or even dream of.

Yeah I hate them because there is nothing there. The entire thing is this over blown idea of difficulty to them with almost 0 form of story to support them it's supposed to be all about gameplay but the game play is ass.

They lack story and depth and they revolve around pattern recognition. During college we would all swap games I ended up with dark souls 1 and 2 at one point and beat both with ease. The whole difficulty is just learning patterns of attacks and dodges.

Lots of us fucking hate souls style games and would not recognize them.

It will say the draw on it and you can do some simple math to figure out the cost per hour.

Is the AI a character cause if so 100% the AI but if not then Prepotente.

Look the gameplay is not made in 2024 but it's still excellent and the story is easy to follow and fun.

After seeing LCD and OLED side by side I don't care 100 bucks worth. Bought the LCD and dumped the other 100 into games and accessories. I already have an OLED travel monitor in my truck for work so I could always use that.

Just got my 512 LCD on the discount and installed my first game. I love it! Super fun so far but I have only played 15 minutes of Death Must Die. I left it installing BG3 so we shall try that later.

I was really hoping he would take up bow fishing to try to one up Rogan or combine Rogans favorite activities in a bid to get him back.