Butch Tranny Faggot

1) Women who believe the gold star rhetoric are not mature enough to have sex with women.

2) The group most ardently using gold star rhetoric is transphobes.

3) To show how silly a definition it is, consider that I'm a gold star lesbian, because I've only ever had sex with women... but I didn't realize I was a woman myself until two years ago.

No, I usually have a few sexy ideas in mind, and then I build all the justification for them, and then I keep the smut to myself.

I mean, it's heavy subtext. Nyx and Persephone have some very suggestive interactions in the endgame/post-endgame and there's some statements implying that the reason Nyx and Hades are so respectful towards one another is more than just 'professionalism' (i.e. they love the same woman.) (It also means Zag takes after his mother.)

I'd say read more books, but... I did rewrite the entire show as a fic slightly longer than the Lord of the Rings.

Are you saying Nyx isn't herself gay? Like, did I hallucinate the heavy subtext in H1?

You're very welcome, hope I didn't come off as insulting. I can be an old lady yelling at clouds too, sometimes.

This isn't really true. Torture isn't that effective at extracting information because the victim will say literally anything to make it stop. A lot of institutionalized torture is also specifically known to be ineffective. It's really good for coercing confessions, which is one of its main uses. The torturer already has the information, though.

Yes, this is in fact correct and widely known in modern times. Hence why I wrote "In real life, torture WAS USED to extract confessions from convicts and spies [...]" as in, it was used historically.

Historically, torture is about vindication, if anything. It's also about letting psychopaths have too much influence on institutional uses of power. Prison wardens torture inmates all the time because they want to, are stressed themselves, or just scared of their charges. People torture their own children as punishment. The concept of Hell was literally invented as a deterrent.

From what I know it was accepted fact that testimony from commoners not given under duress was unreliable. A confession exacted during torture was considered more credible than one freely given.

Torturing people, as in torture torture, isn't fun unless you're really fucked up, and most people aren't.

To address the rest of what you said, again, torture serves a lot of purposes. One, as a deterrent. Executions don't really deter crime. But drawn out torture makes fear a good short-term resource.

We're not operating in a society that knows these things. Public executions obviously deter crime, if you don't know any better. Or maybe the idea that 'deterrence' is even a thing is a foreign concept and society considers there to be bad irredeemable people who innately deserve torture.

Second, it's good money. People will pay to see someone tortured in more elaborate ways, especially if they're desensitized to regular violence.


Third, cruel experimentation. If you have the stomach for it and haven't, look into what Japan did in China. There was literally nothing to gain except, maybe, the funding itself for the experiments. Sometimes, horrific things happen in spite of the logistics not being there. It's kind of why fascist regimes struggle to last.

I'm well aware.

I think you're a little bit of an old man yelling at a cloud, right now.

Academic studies of our community and culture have been called 'Queer Theory' since the 1990's, which is pretty much all the time I have been alive, and I'm an entire adult with a job and and a kid and a divorce. It is a perfectly ordinary and accepted word under academic consensus.

But let me give you a personal perspective.

I'm... some kind of transgender butch lesbian? There isn't really an accurate way to describe what I am, how I present myself, and who I fuck but to call me 'queer.'

I'm glad you fit so neatly into the stereotype of "perfectly normal gay man" but like... a lot of us really don't.

As an aside, the point of what's called "microlabels" is not to put people into boxes — though some silly young'uns want to argue that they are — it is to find comfort and descriptiveness in language. One of my friends is a sex-averse asexual quoiromantic lesbian. If you know what those words mean, it's a really quick way for her to communicate her stance on sexual intimacy, romance, and attraction. It's also a tool for her to conceptualize her own experiences and find sub-communities of like-minded people (ace folk, aro folk) to discuss particular topics.

The point of 'queer' is to remind everyone that the Homophobic Patriarchy is going to kill us all regardless. I'd never call anyone queer that expressly asked me not to, but I do think of the Alphabet Mafia as "the Queer community." Mostly because "the ones the homophobes want dead" is kinda dark and "ell-gee-bee-tee-que-eye-ay-pee-plus" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.

Ao3: EverythingNarrative

Tamsyn Muir my beloved. Her best characters in her published work, The Locked Tomb, are so obviously descended from Homestuck it is wonderful.

Because being a top and being dominant is """male""" and men's sexuiality is demonized.

Think of how often you hear "I want them to step on me" as a joke versus how often you hear "I want to step on them."

It's quite frustrating sometimes, but I am myself guilty of this to an extent.

Your dysphoria often gets worse when you start to do something about it. 2 weeks is a very short time. You'll only start to see real changes after about 3 months. Lots of lesbian content online is extremely femme-focused. Seek out some butch content.

I love how it is so rare that medication fucks people up that it makes the news.

Remember when there were sections of cemetaries reserved for children? When severe pneumonia had a 50% death rate? Remember Smallpox?

I love modern medicine for all its flaws.

Ao3: EverythingNarrative

Ambiguously transmasc lesbian pyromancer with aspirations to royalty by marriage.

Ao3: EverythingNarrative

I have many.

  • Handler Walter from Armored Core. He is a very lonely father figure.
  • Melina from Elden Ring. She is discorporeal and longs for human touch.
  • A partial OC (transgender version of canon background character, de-aged to be a teen) named Utena from my Naruto fic. Her best friend is dead.
  • Trans!Blake from my Pact fic (even though she has two girlfriends.) Enough said.
  • Midna from Twilight Princess. There's a war coming, and she'll need to abandon her adoptive son, Link.
Transgender Lesbian, HRT 2023-11-20

The point is to change your perception if what a feminine voice is.

In canon? Who knows.

My take on it? Beast Island houses an artificial Runestone — the Skystone, a big blue octahedron — granting it's wielder/princess supernal knowlege of technology. The Dryl royal family have been using dark magic rituals to tie their children to this power, unbeknowst what that power is, only knowing that the rituals made their heirs geniuses.

The island itself was used by the first ones in days of yore used as a remote location to test and dispose of dangerous equipment. The vines were originally part of the safety measures, designed to capture and smother any dangerous objects. It has been overtaken by the wielder-less runestone, which hungers for someone to direct its power, warping even the perception of time for those who find themselves on the island.

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