Read It Starts With The Egg. Lots of good info about how to increase your fertility and egg quality 

Happy Mothers Day!Happy

…to every kind of mom there is! The coolest part of motherhood is that there are so many ways to do it. So here’s to everyone who has found their rhythm in mom’ing and those who are still figuring it out!

It’s literally like a second set of hands in that it rocks baby and shhhhh’s (white noise) to sleep. When baby wakes or fusses it rocks them back to sleep.

I found my Snoo on OfferUp only slightly used and half the price of retail. It’s so worth it, but I would have a hard time justifying buying it brand new for full price. They also have an option on their website where you can rent it month to month.

What is with this sub and people hating on the snark? Isn’t that what everyone is here to do? I constantly see people getting mad at people snarking, these must be the influencers themselves or their friends right?

The company is called LanaCare 

Sometimes you can’t really tell when it’s colostrum. I felt like nothing was happening the first few days and the docs and nurses were saying she was definitely getting colostrum cuz she was making wet and dirty diapers.  Also, wool nursing pads (there’s a danish company that sells them on Amazon) were truly a game changer for me in terms of nipple pain and cracking nipples. The natural lanolin in them keeps your nipples feeling good. 

I’m about to have my second and I treated myself to a Freshly Picked diaper backpack after having a boring utilitarian not cute diaper bag last go around. I got it on sale and it’s super cute and big enough to hold the goods for two kids. 

Kind of sounds like ocular migraines I’ve had 

Thank you everyone for the feedback! Feeling much more confident about the name!

Almost figured out baby #2 name except for this detailBaby Names

Which would you do? fn: Lauralee Or fn: Laura mn: Lee

I will probably call her Laura Lee or Lauralee regardless

Still can’t decide….Baby Names

Need opinions on these three names for a sister for Abigail who often goes by Abby. Middle name is Lee which is husband and MIL’s middle name. Last name rhymes with frappe

Caroline Lee (was a favorite but struggling with not liking any nn’s, also from last post- several family members have asked if we would call her Carol which is a big no)

Penelope Lee (like that this seems to fit with Abigail and love the option to have nn Penny which goes with Abby, worry though that it’s a mouthful and while it’s popular I’ve never met anyone name Penelope)

Laura Lee (Laura is mine and my mom’s middle name so it would be special that both first and middle names would have family significance. I also love Laura Lee together but am truly not a fan of Laura as a stand alone first name and there isn’t an intuitive nn to go with Abby)

Stressed bc we are a month out and I really feel so indecisive about what her name will be. I keep hoping it will come to me in a dream or something but I still feel confused.

Thank you in advance for thoughts and opinions!

Should I invite my friend who had a loss to my baby shower?Sad

My coworker/friend was pregnant and about two weeks ahead of me. We also found out we were both having the the sex. She got bad news with her NIPT and they confirmed their baby had a chromosomal abnormality. They made the heartbreaking decision to terminate her baby for medical reasons around 15-16 weeks. We were sharing a lot about our pregnancies prior to learning about her baby’s medical problems. After her termination she understandably has had to take space from being so close to my pregnancy, which I totally understand and we even discussed. I’m wondering if I should invite her to my baby shower, with absolutely no expectation that she would go if she didn’t want to. I just want her to know she is thought of and included. I absolutely don’t want to upset her or make her feel guilty or in an awkward position to have to decline.

I’ve had a miscarriage before and understand the dagger to the heart experienced when seeing pregnant people who are as far along as you would have been. I do feel a lot of compassion that way.

I’m not sure what the right thing to do is. I don’t want her to feel unacknowledged without an invite, but I also don’t want to crush her with an invite. Help!

Wool nursing pads that you wash with lanolin have been the best investment for my pregnant/breastfeeding boobs. Keep your nipples soothed and moisturized.

I worked at a daycare and we had a Tigerlily Jewel 

C sections really have a bad rep, but mine was lovely. Wouldn’t change my birth experience! 

Okay, but what is everyone doing about pubes?? I can’t see anything anymore and blindly putting a razor blade to my parts is so scary and probably looks insane! 

Thank you for all the great suggestions. I’m feeling much more confident about Caroline and if people are inclined to give her a nickname I like the option of Callie or even Carrie. And if she decides for herself she loves Carol, then Carol it will be lol

I do like Laurel. I also like Adeline and Madeline, but worry Addie is too similar to Abby. And just not a fan of Maddie as a nn

Naming Baby Girl #2Baby Names

We are struggling to pin down a name for a second daughter. Big sister is Abigail Paige. Middle name will be Lee which my husband and his mother’s middle name. We agree on Caroline Lee but whenever we share it with people we get asked if we will call her Carol, and no we wouldn’t, I feel like that’s a completely different name.

Other names I like are Ivy, Daphne, Tessa and Celeste Husband likes Penelope and Laura(which is my middle name, but I’m not a huge fan of it as a first name)