I’m reading the responses, and I’m getting the impression that in just mentioning “AI” some people think it’s doing the job of writing the dialogue and scenarios, eliminating human jobs left and right.

All I’m suggesting is a voice model that makes conversations feel more natural and less repetitive. What is AI, but a collection of what humans wrote ahead of time? And who’s going to incorporate it into a video and decide what it says or not? Humans.

Fair point. I AM viewing it from an idealistic standpoint, and not considering how odd and glitchy some of the responses are now.

I don’t think you need more writers to add simply more lines of dialogue. And even if you did, therein lays the limitation—there are only what 7 or 8 personality types, and once you’ve exhausted hearing however number of lines those personality types have to say, the game starts to feel cold and lifeless. Having AI speech models would keep the conversations more dynamic and fresh, which is what people want when they complain about stale and non-interactive dialogue.

The bib panning into view gave me the biggest happy chuckle. Happy Birthday, Samwise!

I’ve always known about organ transplants, only today have I ever thought about organ trading.

Reddit is weird. Haha. I just think it would help with the immersion. I don’t mean an AI that has access to the history of conversation the internet—just one that allows for a multitude of realistic interactions based on the villager’s personality type. C’mon people.

In OG, it was sad to see your party members react to the one moment; but in Rebirth, you also mourn for their entire friendship. Poor Tifa.

Like a field of barbed wire slowing down the infantry from raiding the butthole.

Having some sort of “Chat GPT” like voice engine built into the game would change AC forever, and any other social videogame for that matter.

It’s raw exposed metal. If the car isn’t driven, and there’s any moisture in the atmosphere, the surfaces will rust ever so slightly. Same on ANY car.

“Gimme Some Lovin’” in traditional Chinese instruments.

Cut an onion in half, then smell it while eating an apple, it will taste of onion.

There’s also that scam “Air Up” that uses this same principle to trick your senses into thinking you’re drinking flavored water.

“The future of soda is now!” Fuck off, commercial.

PD/FD/EMS Dispatcher, 22 years

We get regular pay plus the same in overtime, essentially “double time and a half.”

If you are off that day, you get those many hours deposited into you banks as “holiday in lieu” PTO.


Yeah. I can’t go off tires alone. I have to visualize corners as well because of different body types.

My method: Front car rear bumper lined up between your vehicle’s axles, since you’ll immediately be turning your steering and rotating the car. Straighten steering when your centerline is lined up with center point of back car’s nose. Turn to opposite steer again when your front bumper is clear of front car’s bumper. Provided the parking space is adequate, requires very little forward-reverse adjustments.

But it’s always easier here, where time on your side to reflect and choose words carefull. Unlike the double-dutch game of real world group conversations.


Ramza in Final Fantasy Tactics. Not a betrayal, per se, but after all his efforts, his story and the important role he played is lost to history. To a 21 year old me, it was a very profound lesson about the church and the ways of the world.

This should be a template, adding an actual photo on the reflections in her eyes. Ascending up the ass of that statue would be my first choice

That was a training montage for freedom

Keep one selfie pic and have someone else take your picture. Include one candid, doing something you enjoy and/or laughing. No shades—your eyes smile when you smile, which is a very cute thing.

PD/FD/EMS Dispatcher, 22 years

I got mando’d to 12 hours, though it was given several weeks ago. It’s dumb to me because I’m working 0300-1500, long before any of the chaos starts.