You still hit the lowest ball first in this points version, you’re just allowed to take the points from any ball that goes down

It doesn’t select for the best solution, it selects for the first solution

If you’re going to go with yyyy/mm/dd, go all the way and use dashes. It’s an international standard and perfectly unambiguous until you run into the American who uses mm-dd-yyyy, and tbh they can get ducked


Not directly, but you used the vaguest synonyms, “it makes more sense”. It only makes more sense to you because you’re familiar with it. You didn’t supply any reasons in the post that Fahrenheit “makes sense”. In the comments you’ve mentioned the 0-100 range, but that makes no intrinsic sense. It’s just a line and two ovals. We’re taught numbers just like we’re taught everything else.

The only reason you give for mm/dd/yyyy is that people tend to only read the first and last numbers. That’s straight up not true.

North-south would be flipped, but east-west would stay the same

This script activates when you press F12, although you can change that to another key if you prefer, and I included the F1 escape you mentioned in another comment

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0+

    Loop 1500 {
        Sleep 2000    ; sleep 2000 milliseconds aka 2 seconds
        Click    ; click where the mouse currently is
        Send A_Index . '{Enter}'    ; send the current loop increment and send the enter key immediately after


I believe they made a mistake. SendInput exists in both versions and interprets special characters. SendText is the v2 version of v1's SendRaw, which doesn't interpret special characters and sends them literally

The documentation goes into more of the differences

CommandText is the entire string, not the split parts, which you stored in CommandMap, right?

What you meant to try was any one of these, and they all work:

RetVal := %CommandMap["command"]%(param1)
RetVal := %CommandMap["command"]%(CommandMap["param1"])
RetVal := %parts[1]%(param1)
RetVal := %parts[1]%(parts[2])
RetVal := %StrSplit(CommandText, " ")[1]%(StrSplit(CommandText, " ")[2])

you don't need to surround variables with % in v2. V1 assumed letters were literal letters. % was a way to indicate that letters weren't just literal letters (aka unquoted string), but a name of a variable. V2 goes the route of modern programming and assumes letters refer to variables/functions/classes, unless you indicate that you want a string by enclosing with single or double quote marks. Also, you should look at Variadic Function Calls so you don't have to manually type out parameters

In your specific example, you can fix it by removing all the percent signs from the parameters. Passing commandMap["param1"] directly should work. But you really don't need a Map for this. There are much better ways to accomplish the task you want. Here's one oversimplified way that uses the Variadic Function Call I mentioned above:

userInput := InputBox("Input Full Command With Parameters, All Separated by Space: ").Value
commandInput := StrSplit(userInput, A_Space, , 2) ; a list with 2 parts max, in other words stopping after the first space to split the function from the parameters
paramInput := StrSplit(commandInput[2], A_Space) ; split the second string into a list (which should only contain parameters) based on spaces
returnText := %commandInput[1]%(paramInput*) ; pass all potential parameters as a list in a variadic function call and let the function deal with it

CFCR 90.5. Why don't you have CFCR listed?


i’ve noticed that I get a little… sad(? I don’t quite know the emotion tbh)

I would describe that as losing respect. I had similar feelings (as a teenager) when I found out my brother toked, but also similar feelings when I was next to someone I admired a bit (Ryan Stiles) and he lit up a cigarette. I could see a similar response in a coworker’s eyes when he found out (many years later) that I toked

Now, for context, I had also internalized the messaging from school and family that drugs and smoking and booze were bad. Bad behaviours make you a bad person. I fully believe this made me feel that people who did partake in various intoxicants had somehow failed as good people, and I was somehow superior. I didn’t recognize at the time how judgemental and unfair I was. I was constructing pedestals for people based on my own expectations and not their behaviour, and then judging them for failing to live to up to expectations they didn’t know about that I had no right to make

I suspect your reasons aren’t really about weed. So, relevant to my story, do you do similar things?

Were you fed a lot of anti-drug messages as a child from school/family/church? Do you build up expectations of a good person based on assumptions? Do you think a person who exhibits a(ny) bad behaviour is automatically a bad person, or could they maybe be judged on a different scale?

If you’re thinking of Clue, I hate to tell you that was 40 years ago…

Release order is most commonly suggested but it’s never been clear to me why that’s more ideal than other viewing orders. I watched VOY and the movies king before I saw any other shows and I still love the franchise

Until recently the shows haven’t been very interconnected. They’ve also been produced over half a century, so you’re more likely to see Doctor Who style fandom discussions about showrunners and cast, instead of Star Wars style extended universe discussions.

I think the best order is based on your own tastes. Since you like SNW, probably TOS if you don’t mind the 60s production value, and TNG to continue with Roddenberry’s idealistic future. After that, DS9 if you like geopolitics(spatial politics?), or VOY if you want stranded adventures, or ENT if you want more cowboys in space

If you want to include the movies (why wouldn’t you), then you should know that the the first six (Motion Picture through Undiscovered Country) have the cast and characters of TOS and are a lot more enjoyable if you’ve seen at least the first season. The next four (Generations through Nemesis) have the cast and characters of TNG, so watch them after that show. The 7th, Generations, is a ‘passing the torch’ vibe and has characters from both shows.

The only hard rule I would suggest is to watch Lower Decks last. It’s primarily made of jokes and references to previous shows and you would be missing a lot of humour

If life got in the way she would’ve said that. She told the story in the way she did to express that he did something wrong. The context we don’t have is what she expected from him, but we do have the context that she didn’t get it

So you’re saying you read it as the (Canadian) American (British) (dorm system)? Or did you read it as the (not-magnetic direction in a similar direction to True North)? Because the capitalization matters in those examples too, and your reading was wrong either way

These are all pretty standard ESL errors. The names are faker than the grammar errors but OOP could be Northern European or something

OOP is definitely an EAL speaker. Using “since” instead of “for” is one of the bigger giveaways, along with putting tense markers on the wrong words and a slightly different sentence structure

Those are not the kind of errors a native speaker could make.

Washington :WashingtonFlair:

And I stand by the original statement. Complaining about it won’t change anything and is a waste of your time. Call up Burnie yourself if you need to know the reason but it will probably disappoint you

Edit to add: it seems I’m in a mood and looking to pick a fight. I shouldn’t be taking that out on you and I hope my comments aren’t as mean as I feel right now

Washington :WashingtonFlair:

In universe and out of universe conversations are different and you clearly know that. When someone tells you the out-of-universe/meta/doylist explanation it’s just straight up rude to reject it and tell them to give you an in-universe/watsonian/head canon answer

Washington :WashingtonFlair:

They’ve got a point though. It’s done. Complaining doesn’t change it and it’s a waste of your time