They said it was a soft choke? Not a full bdsm choke? What are you talking bout?

Honestly it's gotten to the point I don't look up really

I'm 6'2 at 15 what are yall saying?????

I can do low and high for both...

I feel you bro we can get through this. It gets better.

You haven't been in a relationship have you?

Oh sorry I thought you meant taller not shorter.

Let me tell you as a 6'2 guy I hit my head a ton and have neck problems like you wouldn't believe.

I clicked hate them all for this reason

If you tell me to vote no than I as a rule breaker will acknowledge that and vote yes there for making it the rule I'm breaking.

Did you not understand them. They were quite clear to you...

Bro just answer the damn question stop being a scientist about it.

That's what a urinal is tho..... don't women's bathrooms have urinals?

And also thanks for not jumping down my throat and throwing slurs at me. It's quite refreshing. I'm not trying to come off as rude just as an fyi.

But if I (male) thought that I was female and went into a women's restroom and whipped out my dick I feel like that might make some people uncomfortable...