Would’ve been a 8+/10 band for me if the vocals where more like that on Prequel to the Sequel.

Persefone. Vocals sounds too much like Soen which I despise.

Aren’t these two those puppets of the right wingers to show that republicans can also be black and therefore they’re not actually racist.

How do you vacuum in a vacuum?

I’d opt for a la crosse space team with jet packs in orbit.

Just collect them all and toss the pile somewhere and tell hotel management to clean up the unsightly mess left by guests.

Yeah. That’s just typical academia circle jerk mindset of grandiose self importance.

A high gloss mirror finish like that is achieved by building multiple layers of clear coat (shellac can also be used) that is sanded back between each coat until the grain, all pores and imperfections are filled. Thereafter a few layers of clear coat to build up the finish and again flat sanded to highest grit and polished. That pic looks a bit photoshopped tho.

2mm clutch/mechanical pencil/lead holder and appropriate sharpener. Pencils suck. You can thank me later.

The doc knew there’s no medicine for stupidity.

Don’t know, but somewhere between folding scissor legs and ironing board legs should point you to the right rabbit hole.

Dunno what you’re complaining about honestly. I don’t even see any machines, just a few handheld power tools. Come back when there’s at least some woodworking machines and/or a metal lathe and mill.

I would try some Methanol first with a scotch pad. It’s not the strongest solvent or too volatile like acetone.

Selling everything is a bit extreme. I’ve no idea what moving costs, but you’ll end up with a deeper hole in your pocket the way everything has gotten more expensive over the last few years.
I sold a few machines with our last moves, but they were destined to be upgraded anyway. And I will definitely recommend selling the stuff you don’t use or are planning to upgrade.

Cooks faster. Higher bark surface ratio. Kinda prefer it that way.

Cope harder. The J20 is only 4.5 gen, USA is already building 6th gen whilst they’re still trying to build a proper 5th gen with their copy-pasta J35. Their navy is also not blue-water capable.

That’s the one that always gets me. So much pride is in that beard that reflects his alpha-male-manliness, but it’s just a fragile weak chin “beta” hiding behind it. Probably has a profile pic somewhere with a cigar too.

It’s much easier to stick the piece it to your blank with double sided tape and reference the leg against the table saw fence.

He’s obviously listening to ringa roses with 400 bpm blast beats.

No way. Piss him off some more and let him put up the fence. Let the asshole pay to do it and in the end tell him your plan worked to get a free fence.

Not the GOP way. They’re conservatives and all that god fearing nonsense, whilst the husband is probably out on grindr getting pegged by barely legal boys.