Its crazy how much press Bidens condition is getting. Not Trumps lies, not what disastrous plans he is going to do to destroy the country and not the corrupt supreme court. The Russian propaganda just has to sit back and let the press do it for them.

This one is major. Too many times I see laners force fights into bad matchups. No harm in waiting for a gank or giving up the lane and joining team fights.

Yeah you're not right about that. This is one of the main differences between Trump and Biden. Trump never takes responsibility for any action only if its seen positively, and will deny and lie if its negative. Biden has taken responsibility for the debate.

I just had one of his cult members reply to me with similar words "Doesn't matter because the democrats are worse" And this was about Trump being a rapist. They really don't care and tell themselves lies to cope with worshipping a rapist.

It always confused me how someone could support a rapist. now I know. They brainwash themselves.

It's up to the entire democratic party. Get out there and show people what you've done these last 4 years. Also show the people who Trump is and how bad he was at trying to run this country.

How is Biden or anyone supposed to prepare for a guy that spews out constant bullshit.

Actually during a lot of the state debates the moderators do fact check. Just not this time. Admittedly, in CNNs defense it's hard to keep up with a guy spewing out non-stop lies for an hour.

So that's how you Trump cultists deal with Trump being a rapist and a pedophile. You just ignore it all and instead point the finger at Biden. Does it ever cross your mind that you support human garbage?

Fine but this time fact check everything. That Last debate was just Trump lying for an hour. CNN just sat back and let it happen, then spent the next week only talking about Biden.

Same, Eli's career was sub par. But winning against Brady puts him in the HOF. Take one of those wins away it's hard to say he's a HOFer. Take away that one fluke pass and he's no longer in the discussion.

You're really pushing hard in support for a rapist, a pedophile, a fraudster, a conman, a criminal.. this is the kind of person you defend and support? What kind of person are you?

I'm talking about Trump words and obvious reaction when asked about whether he would declassify the Estpein documents. Trump has the worst poker face, the guilt was obvious. What's he clearly trying to hide. If he was innocent he would have no problems de-classifying those documents.

I 100% believe in what Katie said. Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. When he stalled when asked about declassifying the Esptein documents and then fumbled about saying "maybe I won't there are a lot of lies in there." I knew at that moment the guy is fucking guilty and trying to hide his involvement.

Pretty sure after the debate their efforts have increased. I see a lot of "Biden should step down" from very new accounts.

A narcissist. Everything is about them and they don't care about you.

I'm retired and I have investments fund my lifestyle. There is a moderate risk but it works. You just have to budget carefully to get through those bumps on the road like the GFC and Covid.

there are 8 different difficulty modes, surely one of them is challenging and not frustrating for you. Try playing damnation and see if that suits you better.

fantastic shot! few less rapists and murderers to deal with.

I think you clipped into the corner there and got stuck. I've been thrown through walls so shit happens like this, very rarely though.

Surely not, that seems very short for what I expected to be an epic journey. It must be very linear then.