so i met an acquaintance without hours of reading this, who was wearing a tshirt from the georgia restaurant. said the name of the town that restaurant is in, is …. tiger.

temporarily closed, according to trip advisor.

ah, you were more creative than i, my barbie was mainly suspended from a toy crane in my closet. also, it was my brother’s g.i.joe i …..liberated when he got tired of it.

this exactly.

….but did you tie up naked barbie, and naked g.i. joe ? 😁

HE HIT YOU for something he doesn’t even fully support. out of reflex.

leave. before he does something else / worse.

yup; they’re the driving force behind saying that catholics aren’t christians, which i find to be a mind-blowing belief.

gorgeous. one redditor and 30 friends could live here quite easily, maybe even afford it.

right. because every labor & delivery story is about how comfortable and pain-free it is.

critical thinking, much evidence of it here as folks consider prices and choices, personal responsibility and blame….

[ the son of the president lied on a gun form! o how evil ! whatever was he thinking ‽ …. it was 2018. he wasn’t the son of the president or the vice president. ]

context matters. but only to some of us.

always always always have a safety, and maybe 2.

send them the details of the meeting and what you know about him. link your phone to theirs if you can. wear your smartwatch if you have one, link that if you can [ even the exercise will tell ….something] and know how to send a distress message.

and if all that seems too much - and it might be - consider just how much you need this brand of male companionship in your life.

maybe hang out with gay guys - they know straight guys, i promise. and they know men.

yeah, it shouldn’t be this scary, or complicated. but. safety first.

best wishes.

please vote against trump.

let the vice president and the cabinet and the managers, etc., do what they do.

cool cat, and gorgeous coloring.

cool cat, and gorgeous coloring.

absolutely. creative, not authentic, lol.

5 is a good number. i have 5. that many cats is a horde, but an adorable horde.

and at minimum, that’s 3 more kitties that presumably won’t be reproducing.

mixed; i didn’t/ don’t want a divorce. i was perfectly happy with the open marriage we had. but his girlfriend wasn’t.

without my working spouse in my life, i have far less income. but i was able to go 400 miles away and move in with my dad, who is in his 90’s, which is a gift i would never have gotten otherwise.

i miss the city, my friends, even my husband. i miss and felt badly about all my friends who could have used help from retired me after surgery or other major life events. my stepson has aggressive cancer, and i can’t help directly. i miss cultural events, cuz there are none where dad and i live. i literally miss the house we lived in, which i loved and worked on constantly. .

but i’ve saved my dad’s life a couple of times [ copperhead bite, falls]. i’ve made him be more careful/ cautious. i’ve brought him joy in the form of my dog, who he adores. i’ve introduced extrovert dad to more people as his friends have died. [ he has 3 left of over 20 ] i’ve driven him to dozens of appointments he would probably have skipped otherwise. i even helped my narcissistic mother, 25+ years after they divorced, get into assisted living, without it being a burden on dad. he’s a good housemate and friend.

so. on the face of it, yes. logistically, somewhat.

that’s because you have the real deal, whereas we have …fake.

violent backlash from beige everything.

it looked way better than the after !

vermonters do the same, wonder what the appalachian folks use.


doubtful, but my love is disabled.

for non-americans, that means if she marries, she loses her benefits including insurance. her daily meds alone would cost thousands a month.

my sympathies. i cannot imagine how sad / heartbreaking/ frustrating that was.

i read about folks local begging for the vaccine ….in icu, with all the desperation that comes from the very real, present fear that they were dying. as they did, i felt sad for their loved ones, but also for all the health care workers who had to work hard to keep people alive who had chosen not to protect themselves, actively interfered with others getting it [ usually their children, my goddess], and spread it while they were still ambulatory. who gloated. who tried to intimidate. who then found out the worst way how that science doesn’t care about their opinions, and how absolutely fucked they were by a super real thing they didn’t believe in.

where i live we had 2 high school kids left on their own for weeks until authorities realized their parents were both dying in the hospital. before that, teachers had gathered donations of food and care items as it seemed dad might be coming home, and auntie was helping. mom did not come home. dad did not come home. auntie got sick, and the kids were removed to foster care. on a local level, that story with variants got repeated so many times.

it’s mind-blowing to look back and remember the frustration and fear on one side and the absolutely impotent ignorant coughing misguided fury on the other.

right but there’s still news, and still stupid people like our denier buddy here, doing their best to/ worst to contribute their story.