Honestly 4. If I plan a golf trip I always do an off day. Much prefer 2 days golf, off day, 2 more days golf.

I've never thrown a club or stomped around like a toddler. Why? Because I'm a grown ass man, not a baby.

I thought it was 82 bpm at first and almost threw up.

Hamilton near cootes paradise

Everyone making guesses at his cause of death and getting in arguments over it need to touch grass.

I only go to golf tournaments on Thursday or Fridays. Less crowds, guaranteed to see all the players you want to see, can get closer to the action and overall watching final round on TV is a better viewing experience.

This is equality

Never heard of that brand before. Are they new?

I'm superstitious af, so I literally never use a ball washer on a water hole for this reason. If I get the ball wet, it will want to be more wet.