Maybe look them up instead of philosophising.

And in the ancient Mezopotamia you could be a slave. They sure af have it better than slaves. But they also have it worse than us, which is my point. And its pretty obvious if u look at the stats lmao.

If its live its gonna suffocate in this special anti-expolisiom foil bag

Its complicated ey? Lmao ofc. Overall tho, z have it the worst.

So maybe they should sent sapers, not 2 guys with a plastic wrapper? Thats going to the throphy locker lol. I know commie policie chiefs. We had one here who blew his office with a gifted Ukrainian granade laucher.

We know how you date tho. And we see the stats. You guys have it much harder than we did.

So 'honk if you are gay'. I like pizza, dudes getting honked all the time. But maybe he would with 'honk if gay' too, prolly. 'Honk if pedo' tho...

Immune system is not under the brain jurisdiction. Tell that to the spleen.

Tbh after 20 years of being used as a hammer, I would guess its a dud. Thats going to police chief locker so he can show it to his friends. And lady is pointlessly hammerles now.

Da fuk? How do you think soviets fell? Just went and rolled over sponatanousely? We had tanks on the streats for 8 years prior.

Yeah, AI under communism is so much better used, lmao

Like those hair on a stick 'specialists' can make a pipe bomb lmao

He did more than all your philizopical courses combined, x10

110% cause woman. Hence it transcends 'just mere painting'. Its spills over into diveristy dimention

Ngl, the use case for this gun is so rare, I dont find it worth those 2.0 weight low enough to justyfing carring this crap around.

We have those already lmao. They just go straight to Ukraine rn. As will i, after the war, to buy one on the cheap

Silesia (Poland)

1.6% GDP on defense. Absolutely usless, alongside entire Western Europe.


A krąg se wsadzisz w dupe jak Marika? Jeden chuj zresztą,to ten Eldeński jaja

Bo wyglądają jak te palce ze Starszego Pierścienia. O pradon, Eldeńskiego Kręgu, tłumacz jest bardziej upośledzony niż ja

Its Elden Ring buff principle, Zenos was just a noob who should git gud

Ahh, thats why its regarded. Absolutely usless then, since we have congenital blindess accounted for.

Back in the 2000 it was glourious. Guess all things start pissing and shitting itself after a while. I ve felt a foreboding sublime smell of piss in best lambo around, Larian in BG3 act 3 too.

Indeed. Albeit that graph is pretty regarded imo, ngl, looks like taken from physics. At 100k you get this p<0.01 i am pretty sure, at 0.4% sch standard prevalence.