Same except the apology or any sense of remorse

Divot Sushi

It's a 7/10 the black soles are lazy and uninspired

I know a place like this that has a new menu every week and I bet has different prices on it semi frequently. Surge pricing should be called out and shamed publicly

Divot Sushi

That guy needs to be selectivity quarantined and his dog rehomed

Did you have to eat hanyak* purple kkong bap? Those were the weeks of suffering and poutpurri farts

You were smacked down and now you're crying lol

You even crossposted to Rconservative and they also think you're a tool.

Why are you crying?

Supreme court judges dont bring cases. The correlation I brought up, is with those who brought the suit all the way up thru state courts to the state SC not the SC judges themselves.

Yet everyone but christians speak up the loudest about this bullshit

"I was astonished..."

" how vivid my delusions have gotten since I injected bleach this morning."

lmao the fact the outlet included a link to the guys web storefront is hilariously considerate

Telling a rapist they are exhibiting bad behavior isn't a proportional response. Sick people need confinement and counseling+medication. Serial rapists get 3 years in prison in Australia, what a fucking shitshow

Japanese people saying いたい〜 while laughing, always makes it funnier for me somehow

The cascading gutters got me good

I thought we were talking about childhood memories of parents cooking this shit in the rice cooker and stinking up the entire house (and fridge) for weeks

As is always the case, replace "donald trump" with any white male willing to destroy the US in the name of christofascism, for the bidding of tax funded billionaires, and fast forward every 10 years. That is what the GOP is, and this voting minority will do anything to win as has been proven.

So if you can't tell by now, this is the latest GOP conservative think tank approved strategy. This is all they do, test the legal system so they can upend it. It's not about actually doing anything productive for society, it's always to grift

Lots of ppl own stock and FOREX was/is a big thing online and fans think that bc they love BTS it means they have to pledge blind allegiance to their label, without any logical basis.

You added the shitty part. She was within her rights and the court affirmed that. Thats not a crime nor a contractual violation. Take all the copium you need